5: is this love

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"hi two cotton candy cones please!" taehyung ordered for us.

you sat at a booth and waited for taehyung to get the ice cream.

"ooo they look so yummy!" you said taking the ice cream cone in your hands.

you and taehyung silently ate the ice cream.

"sooo you got a girlfriend?" i asked and immediately regretted it.

"nope, i've only had one girlfriend and that was in second grade" taehyung laughed.

"you got a boyfriend?" taehyung curiously asked.

"ha nope, i'm to ugly to ever get one" you said.

taehyung's eyes widened.

he grabbed your hand and held it.

"don't ever say that y/n! your one of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen" taehyung said trying to comfort you.

you started blushing.

"your just saying that to be nice" you said.

"what no! why would i ever lie about that!" taehyung yelled.

"sorry" taehyung said apologizing to the customers who were all staring at you both.

"wanna go to a carnival?" taehyung asked.

"why not!" you responded.

you two drove to the carnival while taehyung blasted mic drop on the speakers.

"i'll go get tickets" taehyung said.

you waited patiently until you saw taehyung walking back with the tickets.

"ight which ride first-" taehyung couldn't even get the words out of his mouth until you were already running towards the biggest roller coaster.

"wait up y/n!" yelled taehyung.

eventually taehyung caught up with you and got in line.

you and taehyung both waited in line for at least 30 minutes until it was finally  your turn to go on the ride.

"make sure you hold onto the bar, have fun" the ride operator said.

you looked over at taehyung who looked like he was going to shit his pants.

"haha calm down taetae it's not that scary" you said.

"taeta-?" the ride had started before taehyung could finish his sentence and started to immediately scream bloody murder.

"AHHH WOOHOO!" you yelled, having the best time of your life.

meanwhile taehyung was screaming at the top of his lungs.


you paused.

you looked over at taehyung.

he looked over at you.

the ride ended and you both got up out of the seats.

it was already dark out which made the carnival look even more beautiful with many colorful lights.

"ferris wheel?" taehyung asked nervously.

"ya let's go!" you said.

"10 tickets please" the ticket man said.

taehyung handed him the tickets as you sat down in the seat.

shortly after you sat down taehyung sat down right next to you.

this ferris wheel was the smallest one you had ever been on so taehyung was squished right up next to you.

you could smell his expensive cologne.

the ride started to move and you started to get excited.

"wow the view sure is nice from up here" taehyung said.

you nodded in agreement.

"hey taehyung d- did you really mean what you said on that roller coaster?" you nervously asked hoping he would say yes.

taehyung stared into your eyes and took your hand.

you were at the top of the ferris wheel and people from the bottom were cheering taehyung on trying to get him to kiss me.

"y/n i- i don't know how to express this in words so here" taehyung pressed just lips up against yours and lightly sucked.

you kissed him back.

taehyung placed his hand on your cheek and rubbed his thumb against it.

"your so beautiful" taehyung said.

you blushed and took his hand.

"and your so handsome" you said.

the ride needed and you two got off.

people were cheering and hooting.

"you two look so lovely together!" and old women said.

"that was so romantic!" another man said.

you two looking at each other and laughed.

that was how your night ended.

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