Shrek x Max

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Shrek x Max

Shrek was on the toilet browsing his phone when he saw something he liked. It was a picture of a dude named Max. Shrek started to get hot and had to quickly close his phone. He got out of the toilet and went to the store to buy some "bananas". He walked towards the checkout counter to pay when he saw a familiar face behind the desk. He shook and started stuttering. Max was standing behind the desk and Shreck started feeling hot again. "It's 4,5€ please" Max said. Sweat ran down Shreks forehead and then he realized he didn't have 4,5€. "I'm sorry, I only have 3€ he mumbled" Max had a smile on his face. "Well, you can always pay back in another way" he said grabbing Shrek's enormous alien dick.

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