Chapter I

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Bumblebee and arcee were out patrolling for decepticon activity when ratchet commed them about a energon reading
Ratchet: arcee bumblebee there is a energon reading five clicks south of you
Arcee: copy that ratchet we'll check it out
Bumblebee:/ please be energon for once/
Arcee: we can only hope bee
Bumblebee: well try to keep up partner
Bumblebee raced off with arcee close behind and when they reached there location they quickly realised that the energon reading was actually a energon mine but bumblebee felt something was off
Bumblebee: /this doesnt make sense cee/
Arcee: i agree why would the decepticons leave energon behind
Bumblebee: i guess were gonna find out
The two bots proceeded into the mine and was ingulfed in darkness
Arcee: bee? Where are you? I can barely see you
Bumblebee turned on his headlights on his chestplate and arcee found her self right next to bee
Bee:/ i dont like this be careful cee/
Arcee: and you
Bee:/ha im always careful/
Bumblebee turned around only to smash his helm against a low hanging rock
Bee:/ ah i did not see that/
Arcee: oh im always careful
Bee: /yeah yeah your shorter than i am/
Arcee: advantage of being a femme bee
Bee:/yeah but i dont think i'd look this good as a femme cee/
Arcee: its something we can agree on
The two bots proceeded further into the mine until they reached a huge open area void of all life cybertroian and human alike
Bee:/ i dont like this cee its too quiet/
Arcee: and these holes they dont seem like drill holes
Then they heard the sound a metal scuttling along rocks and they both turned to stare worringly at each other before the answer emerged in front of them
Arachnid: ahh what a pleasent surprise arcee and i see you brought your partner along trying to make three for three
Arcee: you wont touch him
Arachnid: ohh my dear arcee i merely want to study him but your not coming without a fight are you bug?
Bee:/ damn right im not its two versus one arachnid/
Arachnid: hmm its good i have reinforcements then
Suddenly out of the five holes that stood behind arachnid came five insecticons
The two autobots dived behind some cover and bumblebee provide some covering fire as arcee commed base for a ground bridge which appeared on their right
Bumblebee nodded and began running behind arcee as she ran for the ground bridge but he noticed two insecticons were close behind so bee stopped running and began opening fire on them giving arcee time to go through the bridge but another insecticon wrestled bee to the ground just as arcee skidded to a stop
Arcee: BEE!!! HOLD ON!!
Bumblebee had other ideas and arcee could only watch as bee brought a servo to his helm and the ground bridge closed leaving arcee staring at the rock walk of the autobot base
Arcee turned and stomped her way towards ratchet
Optimus: arcee please calm yourself
Ratchet: bumblebee told me to close it arcee he knew what you were gonna do and he would rather it be him than you
Arcee stared at ratchet before she lowered her helm
Arcee: i cant loose him too
Optimus: i asure you arcee we will not stop until bumblebee is returned safe
Arcee stayed silent as she slowly left the main room for her berth room but not without saying one final sentence
Arcee: p...please optimus i c...cant loose him too
And with that arcee left main room leaving the other in pure silence until it was broken by miko
Miko: so erm how do we locate bumblebee
Jack: is he you know still alive
Ratchet brought up the autobot life signals and thankfully bumblebee's was still one of them meanwhile with bumblebee he had been knocked out just after the ground bridge closed and when he next awoke he found himself chained up by his servos but thanks to his trainning he realised he could slide his servo out of the chains but luck just wasnt on his side today because arachnid walked in
Arachnide: ahhh your awake, your no fun when your out it
Bumblebee glared at her and if it had any effect at all she didnt show it
Bee:/ what do you want/
Arachnid: the location of the autobot base and its relics and of course arcee
Bee:/ autobot base we have a base? Huh ive never been there/
Arachnid growled as she slid one of her digits across bumblebee's face plate letting her acid do the work for her but bumblebee held back any sort of indication that it affected him
Arachnid: ohh your a resilent one but so was arcee before i broke her
At the meation of his team mate and partner bumblebee just resorted to glaring at her much to her amusement
Arachnid: dont worry scout i'll make sure you watch as i snuff her spark now lets see how see she is doing hmmm
Bumblebee stare at arachnid with a blank stare as she approached a console that in front of him and he watched as she sent a transmission to the autobot base which was answered almost instantly and from his position he could see everyone including arcee and the kids
Arachnid: ahhh if it isnt optimus prime
Optimus: what do you want arachnid
Arachnid: ohh i want many things that are currently in your possession of course your scout isnt one of them
Optimus: what have you done to bumblebee?
Arachnid smiled as she stepped to the side to reveal bumblebee to them and arcee screamed his name
Arachnid: yes i must say he isnt looking as handsome as before
Optimus: what do you want arachnid and can we assume that whatever you want is in exchange for bumblebee
Arachnid: well i want your relics of course there not for me there for lord megatron and i want arcee in exchange for the scout
Ratchet: pah as if we would ever
Arachnid: oh but do not forget doctor your scouts life is on the line
Ratchet: scrap
Anarchnid: do not worry autobots i'll give you three earth hours to decide
Bumblebee could watch and listen they couldn't swap his life for arcee's then he remember his loose chains holding his servo's and he knew what to do in a worst case scernio but for nw he wpuld have to survive three hours and hope he doesnt have to use his plan

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