Not A Villain

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Hitoshi played with his little kitten that he had snuck into the dorm rooms. He was bored and had forgotten all about Kamanari. That was until he heard an energetic knock at his door, he stood putting the kitten under the bed and opening the door. 

"Hay, Hitoshi!!" Kamanari stood bouncing up and down like a toddler does when they are excited. "I thought I said not to call me that" Shinsou rubbed his temple already regretting his life choices. "Yeah, well, I forget" Denki frowned his eyes still full of energy and life.

"Sooooooooooo, I was thinking" Denki clapped his hands together. "Since it is the weekend we can go off-campus. Let's go to town!" Shinsou raised an eyebrow not knowing 'hanging out' meant he had to actually leave his dorm.

"Now, I don't remember saying anything about leaving my dorm" He really didn't say anything just said 'yeah' to get Kamanari off his case. "Well, you didn't say we can't either." When Kami uses his brain for once. Shinsou let out a sigh and groan then furrowed his eyebrows. "Fine." The blonde squealed at this, happy he got the sleep-deprived Shinsou to leave campus. 

The two boys found their way into town walking by shops and resturants. They were passing by an alley when a voice sounded down the dark alley. "Now, what do we have here. You look like someone I've seen before." The voice was a bit closer. Hitoshi was on guard ready to do whatever. "No need to be like that, Hitoshi." The person owning the voice came out from the shadows. "Asa Kinoshita?" Hitoshi's eyes went wide as his old school mate gave a grin. "Long time no see, Hitoshi Shinsou."

Kamanari whispered to Shinsou a bit confused, "you know this guy?" Shinsou glanced at Kamanari "yes he is an old class mate from junior high." Shinsou narrowed his eyes at Asa. Asa's grin grows wider. "You know, everyone still wonders how you got into U.A. (Ultra Academy) maybe your a villain undercover!" Shinsou tsked getting ready to say something, but a blonde spoke first. "He is in U.A. because he earned it! He is training to become a hero, he is not a villain. You only say things like that because he has a better quirk!" Shinsou's eyes go wide shocked at the blonde's words. Asa laughed looking at Kamanari, "you are so oblivious. What are you his pet?" 

Shinsou grabbed Kamanari's arm walking away from Asa and the alley. Kamanari was a bit mad, but Shinsou held him back from doing anything. He dragged Kamanari back to the campus. 

"Thank you. You didn't have to say that" Shinsou glared at the floor refusing to look Kaminari in the eyes. "Well It's true! You aren't a villain!" Kamanari exclaimed trying to make eye contact with Shinsou. Shinsou smiled a bit looking up at Kami. He's right he isn't a villain.

A/N: It's comeback time! Sorry I kind of abandoned ShinKami I was being salty about something and refused to write/type about it. Anywho hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I sort of changed the writing style of it I hope no one minds! 

Cya my little Akuma's!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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