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When Kaya woke up the next morning, she wondered what her dream was about. But she only remembered parts of it, even though she tried her best to remember it clearly, she couldn't. She remembered herself with Minho, but couldn't remember the details clearly.                                           :                                                                                                                                                                                                  It was the weekend and Kaya was at her place waking up later than she usually did. She was on her bed thinking and staring at the ceiling. She didn't know what she wanted to do now, now that she decided to let go off of all the hopes that she held precious and sweet. She felt empty and found no motivation to move. That's when she heard her phone ring.                                                She wormed on the bed, reaching for her phone, she found it and looked to see who it was.            'Taewoo' it read. 

'Hi' Kaya said once she answered. 

'Hey, What'ya doing?' Taewoo asked on the other side. 

'Just on bed. Good Morning by the way.'

'Mornin! I'm bored. Wanna meet up?' Taewoo asked. 

'Go have a date with ya girl. Why bother me.' Kaya replied in a dull tone.

'She left me.' He said.

'What? Veronica? She left you?' Kaya asked surprised.                                                                                          She was Taewoo's new girlfriend and it was even less than a week since they started as a couple. Taewoo always had changing girlfriends. He wasn't a playboy or anything , he just didn't have a stable relationship with anyone and he was getting used to it now. 

'Yeah. She left.' Taewoo said. 

'What happened?' Kaya asked. 

'Owww... I don't know. Just tell me, you coming or not?.' 

'Okay, I'll come. Where are we gonna meet though?' 

'Ummm... Let's see...  oh! by the way. One of my guy friends will also be joining. Okay?' Taewoo said searching for a place on his mobile. 

'Okay' Kaya said getting out of bed.  'Who is it?' She asked picking up a pillow that had fallen off the bed. 

'Just a friend. You'll know when ya come.' He said. 

'who is it? someone I also know? is it?' Kaya asked again. 

'Oh! There's a new cafe! Wanna go there? It looks cool.' Taewoo suddenly said. 


'Oh! It's near your place!.' 

'Great. Send me the location. I'll be there.' Kaya said. 

'Oh! wait! It's near my place.' Taewoo said laughing and teasing Kaya.

'What's really wrong with you? That was so lame and childish.' 

'Ha Ha Ha!!!' he exclaimed. ' See ya soon then'.

'Bye' Kaya said ending the call. 

Kaya thought it was best to go out and spend some time doing other things than staying at home and overthinking. She felt happy to have Taewoo, who always listened to her worries, trying to brighten up her mood.                                                                                                                             Kaya got ready and dolled up herself a little, she wanted to feel good once she's out hanging out with friends. Without worrying over things on her head. 


Kaya followed the location sent by Taewoo and found the place without any trouble. She could see the inside of the cafe, it was decorated with green plants and vines beautifully. She liked the place and just seeing it made her mood lighten up. As she was about to enter, she saw Taewoo who was already inside the place, with some other person. For some reason the person did seem a little familiar but she couldn't figure out who it was for some time. And when she did realize who it was, she felt like it was Taewoo's trap. . .




Thank you so much for reading. ..




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