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"God dammit!" You sat in front of another man, anger plastered in his face as he crushed a chess piece in his hands. "How the hell does a girl always win?! Don't you know your kind is supposed to be in the kitchen?!"

"And what... exactly... is MY kind?!"

"Dirty little street rats who don't know their place!" You felt a hard sting ripple through your face, your eyes turning upwards to see the man from your new perspective. Standing up and grabbing your jacket, you suddenly appeared behind him, the sleeves of your sweater wrapped tightly around the mans' neck. "Listen here, you smelly, old, misogynistic, ugly fuckin' screw up. I don't like having to resort to violence, but you touched me first so I have a free pass." You glared down at the man with a calm face and menacing eyes and laughed as the man begged for mercy.

You could easily snap his neck if you wanted too, but decided he wasn't worth your time. Instead, you kicked him in the back and watched as his face slammed into the edge of the table, wrapping your light grey knit sweater around your waist. "Tch. Stupid beggar..." You left the now quiet bar and shoved one hand in your pocket, your black, bob-cut hair bouncing with every step. Your fingers ran along the clasp of a locket tucked into your pocket, stopping when you heard a conversation that interested you.

"Did you hear about the Hunter exam this year?"

"Yeah - this year has the most applicants ever taking it. I feel bad for the death toll that's gonna bring."

"Yeah. And I heard there's a bunch of preliminary tests and stuff you have to pass in order to get there."

"Really? That's new." You had heard enough and decided to find more information on the Hunter exam. You already knew what it was and had researched it many times before, but with your father gone, you finally had the chance to take the exam yourself. Yes, it might be strange for a 17-year-old to be taking an exam that had a 92% fail rate, but you just couldn't resist.

All you had to do was find a boat that would take you there.

Vulgarities Galore // HxH Kinky!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now