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× Hey- Yes I know, I have a book that I should be writing Dont come for me I just Really like angst!- And it's also my first time writing, Full on angst-  Tw: Obviously some sad shit, Unsympathetic Roman, Sympathetic Janus, Victim is Virgil, This is before excepting Anxiety videos- Yelling, And crying. And the ship is, Well none- it has and okay ending Okay, There you go peeps Enjoy!×

3rd Prson Pov untill said otherwise:

Roman and Virgil, You know the two enemies? Yeah. They hate each other, But you know that. Roman calls Virgil names Virgil fights back with a snarky remark, It happens every day almost. But.. today was different, Thomas was supposed to wake up early this morning and go to an audition that was pretty far away from where he lived. Virgil, Being Anxiety, Was telling him all the things that could go wrong and that he shouldn't go. So Thomas listened to his Anxiety, He didnt go to the audition. Roman absolutely Hated Virgil for that. So he decided He would confront him.

Roman walks into the living area where Virgil is sitting on the couch minding his own business, He stands in front of him as if expecting something from him. He was, He was expecting an apology, Virgil looked up from his phone and cocked his head to the side "...What is it princey?" He asks, Roman goes wide eyes and scowls. "What is it? What is it?!? What IS IT?!!? ARE YOU SERIOUS ANXIETY?!" Virgil looks taken back and sits up "I- ...I dont know-"  "YOU DONT K N O W?! YOU MADE THOMAS MISS THE GOD DAMN AUDITION YOU DUMB FUCK!"  Virgils eyes widen and he looks down at his hands "I-I-...I'm so-Sorry..."   Roman chuckles "Sorry? Really! IF YOU WERE SORRY YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT!" He scoffs and throws his hands up in the air "All you are is a fucking parasite! You dont belong here Anxiety!" Virgil flinches and tears well up in his eyes "So you arent going to answer me?!" He walks up to Virgil and lifts his head up aggressively "If I say something to you you better answer me bitch." Virgil looks at him with fear "im-im so-sor-sorry..." Roman let's him go, Slapping his face away and crossing his arms "You arent sorry Anxiety, You wanted this to happen!" He points to Virgil with blinding rage in his eyes "no! Nono I di- I didnt! " as he says this he stands up and looks at Roman "I-I-I didn't do-do it on purpose.." "Uhm! Yes you did!!" He gets in Virgils face and growls "You always want Thomas to fail. You want him to fail because Your a FAILURE"  A few tears fall from his eyes and Roman scoffs "Oh shut up Anxiety. Your nothing more than a condition. A worthless one at that!"  He shoves Virgil and Virgil falls to the ground with a loud thud, Roman was standing over Virgil and raised his hand untill "Hey! Roman get away from him!" Deceit ×Janus× Runs up to them and Pushes Roman out of the way. Virgil is shaking slightly and looks up to see him standing there with a worried look on his face "Are you okay V?" Deceit ×I cant- Its Janus I'm just gonna write Janus-×  Janus extends his hand for Virgil and he grabs it and pulls himself up. "Roman why were you just standing over Virgil like that?! You know he doesn't like when people do that!" Janus yelled at Roman, Roman just scoffed and left to his room. "Thanks Jan.."  Virgil smiles warmly at Janus and he smiles back "It was no problem bud"

× eeeeeeee!!-
Oh hi-
Hey! This was technically my first time Writing angst fully- I dont think it was even that sad- But ima continue to write, My Yandere book and this one because why the hell not ya know? I hope this wasn't boring TwT and if it was then well.. I'll just like, Do better- Kay

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