Chapter 1 - The day has arrived

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Agatha pulled an arrow from the bag around her shoulder, slotting it skilfully into the bow. The deer stood there, oblivious to Agatha's watchful eye as she aimed her arrow. She was about to let it fly when suddenly a high-pitched voice sent it running into the undergrowth .

' AAAGGIEE !!! ' Sophie shrieked, ' THERE ARE LEAVES IN MY HAIR !!!!! '
Agatha spun around, ready to face the loud screaming that was bound to come :
Agatha sighed, what a total waste of 20 minutes.
' You made me lose that deer, that could have afforded me at least 2 days worth of food !!'

Sophie gaped at her, ' Aggie, don't tell me you really forgot ! '
' Forgot what ??! ' Agatha replied through gritted teeth,
Sophie bit back a smile, ' Today's reaping day !'
Agatha's heart sunk, so today was the day. Every year the  children from each district between age 12-18 were split into good and evil and all their names were put into 2 bowls, one for the good and one for the evil. Two names would be picked and those two children would be sent to The School for Good and Evil.

Everyone in district 12 had already made their bets, and this time Agatha was as the main candidate for evil while Sophie was main candidate for good. Agatha just hoped that the odds would be in her favour.

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