Chapter 2 - The reaping

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Agatha and Sophie made their way back to town, wary of the lines in of peacekeepers awaiting them. The town square was crowded with anxious children, panicking as they were forced into lines by brutal shoves. Agatha brushes herself down, her once barely decent black dress was now a dirty rag that was torn at the ends, her signature braid now greasy and falling apart.
Sophie however, looked flawless. She had on a baby pink knee high dress matched with neon pink heels, which contrasted greatly with Agatha's scuffed clumps. Unlike most of the population of district 12 Sophie's family was fairly well of, due to her father's position as mayor. Her family always had enough to eat and dressed to perfection. Agatha's home life could not have been more different.
Ever since Agatha's father had died she was the main provider her mother, she was to young to go down into the mines and the only other alternative was to hunt.
It was a great understatement to say Agatha was skilled with a bow and arrow, she always hit her target ( except of course when she was disturbed by a certain 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 interrupted her ) and that's how she had survived, hunting and selling, day after day.

As Agatha and Sophie entered the line of children every eye was on them, a perfect match. Flawless pink for good and ragged black for evil. Agatha hid her face from view, she knew deep in her heart that though she denied it she truly was evil. Her greasy black hair contrasted with sickly pale skin. Her eyes were dark and her mouth was in a constant frown. Why Sophie was even friends with her to begin with deluded her.

Agatha waited as child after child were pushed into the town hall where the peacekeepers would take a sample of their blood. Agatha was one of the last in the queue and as her turn came she walked up to one of the front desks.
A female peacekeeper roughly took her arm, injecting a syringe into it and smearing her crimson blood next to her name on the list. She felt a sharp pain where the peacekeeper had injected the syringe and winced when she saw the trickle of blood down her arm.

Then suddenly she heard a shout from behind her.
' GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF ME, YOU ANIMAL, HOW DARE YOU, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ??!!!! ' Sophie shrieked at the peacekeeper, her face red in indignation.
The peacekeeper was taken aback but still tried to uphold her stony fatigue, 'Miss, I need to take a blood sample, now give me your arm.'
Sophie was absolutely taken aback, ' MISS, MISS !!!! YOU WILL ADRESS ME AS MADAM OR YOU SHALL NOT ADRESS ME AT ALL !!!'
After that her hand was forced forward by an armed guard who then (forcefully) directed her towards the main hall.

Emma Anemone stood behind the pedestal, dressed in bright canary yellow to match her crazy hair. A huge, creepily wide smile was plastered on her painted face and as she spoke her voice filled the hall,

'Hello and welcome to the annual hunger games !!! ' she said brightly, her wild amber eyes staring out at the frightened children.
'For many years the school for good and evil have taken 2 children from each district as a symbol that rebellion will never win against its power, one child that is good and the other evil will be picked from these bowls and may the odds be ever in your favour !!'

She looked out at her audience, as if expecting applause. None came. She walked towards a glass bowl marked evil and her claw-like, acrylic nails plucked a thin piece of paper. She held it between her thumb and forefinger. And the child going to the prestigious school for good and evil is ... Sophie Rosing !!! '
There was a collective gasp throughout the audience as a screaming Sophie was pushed forward towards the stage.

Sophie was pushed onto the stage where she stood glaring out at the audience. Agatha was in shock, what was happening ?? Sophie was going to the school for evil ? That couldn't be right... could it ?
Effie then turned to the other bowl marked good.
'And the child going exclusive School for good is .... Agatha woods !!! '
Agatha felt as if she was in a daze, this couldn't be true there must have been a mistake, it should be the other way round !
Agatha barely noticed as she was pushed to the stage, a scattered clap came from the audience but Agatha was to concerned trying to figure out what on EARTH was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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