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I want to be at the new park
Drinking ice coffee and feeling the sun on my skin
Splitting moon cakes with my best friend
Instead I'm here in a dark bed with a pen
Writing how my days would rather be spend
I've got a bucket next to me and ice on my head
A million pills and a brace on my leg
Heat in my stomach propped up in my bed
Reyna find resons I'm not better dead
My head hurts and I'm tired
I don't wanna be sick anymore

It could be and it will get worse
I'm thankful to be able to walk
Every time I stand with out passing out
And every time I open a door without my joints falling out
But I'm tired you know
Of all the days I spend with the darkness and my pen
I'll write and I'll rant to distract my self
Now I'll have to go because just the sight
It makes me sick

Time to say goodbye to the light
Mwah have a kiss

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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