Paired Project

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Noah POV

I watch The King walk away, after he leaves, I stand and go to my next class, science. Ugh Our teacher told us we were going to do a paired project, hopefully I don't get paired with a annoying person, like The King, I think he's pissed at me, eh let's just get this over

I walk into class and find a seat, really not caring today so I sit in the back by the window. A shadow falls over me and I look up, The King growls and says "you're in my seat Smith" I ignore him, and the teacher tells him to sit down, he growls and sits in the next seat.

"Ok class let's get right into it, the groups will be Sophia and Nick..." after a bit "and lastly Noah and Adrian" My eyes widen and we both say "wait what, no we can't" We get told to shut up and deal with it 

After class The king comes and asks what house are we going to, "we can go to mine" I say, he nods and leaves to his car, me doing the same. When I start it, I hear a knock on the window, I roll it down "your dumbass, give me your number" I roll my eyes and give it to him, also giving my address.

I get home and Clean up my room, setting up the project and rearranging my room a bit, I think to myself, why am I doing all this for-for him just coming over to work, I shake the thought and hear the doorbell ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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