The beginning.

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Hello everyone and welcome to my story. My Name is Ebby and I'm 28. I'm a 1.70m high girl with blonde hair and purple eyes. Yes purple eyes. I work in a lawyer office and sometimes I sing in some open mics. I love to play the guitar and sing along. My life went quite perfect. Everything was perfect. I had have the most kindest boyfriend ever and a beautiful best friend. But all that changed as I randomly met Katy and develop feelings for her.
Again. I'm stuck here in this fucking little flat, with my ex-boyfriend I may add.
His name is Luke.

I still think he is hot and really lovely, but he broke up with me, after he found out I fooled around with a girl.

Katy is her name. I met her in a club, a few weeks ago.

I never really was into girls. I found one or two hot, yeah, but that it was. But with Katy, all that changed.

I just have to look into her eyes and I feel the butterflies fly around in my stomach.

I just can't keep my eyes of off her.

So, last week I went to Katy's, other would say this was a big mistake, but I say it was the best thing I could have ever done.

Katy and I slept with each other.

But it wasn't just sex.

It was making love.

I'd like to say that I love her, but I'm not sure if it's to early.

"Ebby? You there" Luke says.

"Huh? Uh, yes. I guess." I answer, still a little dreamily.

"You stared holes in the air. Is everything okey?" He asks.

"Y-No. Actually not." I truthfully say.

"C'mon, what's going on in your little head?" He smiles.

"I guess you're not the right person to talk with. It's about Katy." I shyly say.

"Ebby. I still love you, of course. I think I'll always love you, but to me it seems like you're in love with Katy. And I absolutely can understand why. I mean, she's got that whole package. A nice looking figure. She's beautiful. And she has a heart of gold, I think. So, tell me. What is going on with you two?" Luke smiles.

Gosh, he can be as nice as he wants, but he still annoys me. Man, why can't he just leave me alone.

"Nothing, Luke. Just nothing. Ok?" I snap.

"Hey! I just tried being nice, ok? There's no reason for being mean! You are the cheater ok? Not me! YOU THROW OUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP IN TRASH JUST BECAUSE YOU NEED A LITTLE FUN OK? NOT ME! So there is no MOTHERF*CKING REASON FOR BEING RUDE." He suddenly shout.

"Well, I am not the one who annoys everyone. It's you. When you think I just need a little fun adventure, you're absolutely wrong. I like Katy a lot. The feelings for your kinda person are gone, ok? When are you going to accept that? Boy, why the hell are you in my flat again. You're in MY FLAT for the last 4 days. Why?" I calmly say.

"B-Because I love you Ebby." He says.

"But I don't want to have you 'round me ok? You really fuck me up. Get you and your shit out of here. In the next hour. I'm going to be at Katy's, when I'm back you better be not here anymore, otherwise I have to inform the police. Good bye Luke. Good bye." I explain.

"Bu- Ebby. Why do we have to break like this?" Luke sadly says.

"It's your choice Luke. It was definitely your choice." And with these words I go outside in direction car.

He is so hard to handle with.

I hop into my car and pull out my driveway.

After 10mins I arrive at Katy's big, beautiful mansion.

I park my car next to her SUV. I check myself one last time before I hop outside the car and go to her huge front door.

I knock two times and ring one time. It's our little secret knock-ring sign, so she knows every time when she hears this, it's me.

"Hi sweetie pie, what ya doing here?" She grins.

"I yelled at Luke. I told him that I love you, after he told me that he still loves me. I feel guilty Katy. But I can't control my feelings. I have to admit that I love you, because I really do, Katy. I love you." I truthfully explain and suddenly I see Katy's big grin fade away.

"Eh, so. I. Uh..Ebby. I am still with John, you know that. I can't be together with you, even if I had f-feelings for you. Look. I am Katy Perry, I'm a popular singer, everybody would be amazed if I'd be together with a r-random girl. Please leave, Ebby. I'll call you tomorrow." And with that she closes the door.

Wow, I really expected anything but that.

That wasn't the Katy I know.

The Katy that I know, would never lie to me, and she just does.

I know she isn't with John anymore, Shannon-Katy's best friend- told me.

And I know that I am not a fucking random girl to her.

Why is she acting that strange right now? Why?

I walk, lightly confused, into my car and put the key into the ignition.

*knock knock*

I shoot my head around its left side and look outside the window.

I see Katy. I roll down the window.

"What?!" I spat.

"Ebby I'm sorry, I didn't m-" She begins.

"No. I'm sick of all your sorrys. Get out of my way and call me when you think you're normal again. Bye."

I push the pedal to its limit and drive away.

Hello everyone and welcome to my new fanfic. It's a Katy Perry Fanfic as well, but this is going to be a lot more dramatic. Anyways, hope you like it till now.
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-xx love❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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