Dissapointment 💙🧡

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This ship is iidabaku

Warnings: derogatory words (name calling)

Since I didn't do this the other days

it was about 6:30 am, Iida had just woken up for school when he felt a tug on his shirt before he got up. It was his boyfriend Bakugou.

Bakugou clings onto Iida as he tries to get away "Kat please get off we have to get ready for school" he says trying to get the smaller off of him.

But to no avail it didn't work. "No" Bakugou mumbles. Iida sighs and firmly gripped onto Bakugou's arm removing it from his shirt.

"Katsuki we need to get ready we don't have time for this" he says. "Mr aizawa said if you're late again you will be suspended" he continued.

Bakugou pouted but got ready anyways not wishing to argue with him. He hates when Iida is mad at him because he's one of bakugou's only safe places.

Bakugou and Iida walk into class separately to not cause suspicion to why they're together, Bakugou with a scowl on his face.

As he sits in his seat he ignores the constant calling of his name from "his" squad while staring out the window by his seat.

He never understand why they called it The "Bakusquad" but eventually stopped questioning it after getting no answers.

Bakugou wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now. The day prior he received some not so nice texts from his mother.

That included her calling him things such as whore, brat, disappointment, mistake, fat, ugly, useless etc.

He wanted to be reminded that it wasn't true by someone else since it's hard for him to believe himself.

Iida glanced over at bakugou smiling but Bakugou just ignored him and looked away. Iida was confused but just continued paying attention to the front.

After school and everyone headed to their dorms, Iida knocked on bakugou's dorm room but the door never opened.

As he was about to knock again he heard sniffling from the other side of the door. He soon had enough and decided to open the door with his extra key.
(He didn't use it before to not be rude)

"Kat, Baby are you okay?" He asks and walks towards Bakugou. "G-go away" bakugou sniffles out(?). Iida gently placed a hand onto him.

"Please talk to me Kat, I'm here for you, you can tell me what's wrong" he reassures and Bakugou gives in eventually.

Bakugou clings onto Iida who begins to hold him in his arms. (Bakugou is sitting on his lap face to face)
"well, yesterday my mom had texted me and was saying all these bad things and.." he started.

"I just thought it was true since you kept pushing me away" Bakugou finished and Iida's heart broke.

"Baby you know I love you, can I see what your mother said?" He asks and Bakugou nods and shows him his phone.

Iida takes the phone from bakugou and reads all the texts his mom had sent him. Anger coursed through his skin as he set the phone down a little roughly.

"You know none of that is true right? You aren't useless, or a mistake, or ugly, or fat, a whore or a brat" Iida says. "You're an amazing person and you make everyone laugh, you help everyone with their training, you're beautiful and handsome as well" he continues.

Tears start to fall from bakugou's face as he clings onto him tighter. "You really mean it?" He asks and Iida nods his head and smiles. "Of course I do baby".

"I love you, I love everything about you, you make everyone including me happy, don't listen to your mother, she just wants to put you down" Iida says.

They go to bed and cuddle until Bakugou fell asleep. Iida said one last "I love you" and dozed off himself.

So for this one, I thought it was ok but I definitely needed to fix it. I don't like how Bakugou ignored iida for trying to get him to school. One he didn't know and two even though he should've giving you time of day but it's no right to ignore him. I also think the end was corny.

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