~Daisuga~ Used Tissues and McDonalds Wrappers (2)

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Suga couldn't focus on the show. Instead he honed in on the soft breathing emitting from the body laying next to him. Suga felt the overwhelming rush of nervousness and embarrassment climb up his spine and bite his mind, but he resisted the red tint on his cheeks. Eventually, the show took over his mind once again and he was immersed in the false universe playing before him.

The only thing that pulled him out of his trance was Daichi's strong arm reaching across his body to retrieve the McFluffy. Suga pretended not to notice but watched through his peripheral vision as Daichi licked the spoon clean. Suddenly, dirty thoughts filled Sugas mind and he eventually lost the battle. But soon, as he realized that the man in his fantasies was right next to him, he shut it all down immediately. He tried to focus back on the show but Images of Daichi kept swarming his conscious.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you keep watching" Suga said as he moved out from under the blankets. Daichi let out a grunt of acknowledgement and continued watching the show. Suga entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He stood in front of the mirror and gripped the edges of the sink.

I have to stop thinking about stuff like that. It'll never happen so I might as well forget about it... Suga continued questioning himself while Daichi's head filled with thoughts of his own.

Daichi was a blushing mess. He was freaking out over what he just pulled.

Did I really just do that? Did he see? God, I hope he saw. Because I'm never doing that again. That was so awkward, did I do it right? I did exactly what Yui showed me... maybe I overdid it. Ugh i'm going to be thinking about this all night....What's taking him so long in the bathroom? Daichi glanced at the door, wanting to knock to make sure he was okay but too scared that he'd cross a line. As his gaze fixed firmly on the door, it suddenly swung open. Daichi snapped his head back to the TV, hoping Suga didn't notice him staring. And it seemed he didn't, because Suga had more on his mind. Suga walked over to his side of the bed he was laying on before and snuggled back into the covers. Suga fixed his eyes back onto his TV, hoping to convince Daichi that he didn't notice the spoon incident form before.

It was the second to last episode and Suga had already grabbed tissues in preparation for the soul-wrenching ending. Daichi could admit, he might need to borrow a tissue or two.

By the end of the final episode, Suga had used up two tissue boxes and was on his way to get a third, leaving a trail of tears wherever he went.

Now's probably not the best time, but I really need to get this off my chest. I'm going to confess to him when he gets back. Daichi quickly wiped his eyes and blew his nose on an unused tissue before Suga got back. Suga walked in, already using a tissue from the new box. Daichi stood up and met Suga halfway through the room. Suga looked at Daichi who took the tissue box from his hands, replacing them with his own two hands. Suga gave him a worried look.

"Sugawara, I know this probably isn't the best time to do this but I just can't hold it in any longer. Sugawara Koushi, is it okay if I call you Koushi? Sorry," Daichi said, mentally slapping himself for going off track, "that's not important right now. I don't know how to put this. How do I say this...Oh what the hell," Daichi finished before taking Suga's face in his hands and raising the grey haired boy's face to his own.

Suga's eyes widened before he melted into the kiss. This is what he'd been waiting for. Daichi tasted the mix of salt from his previous shed tears and grease from the fries. The sweetness from the ice cream finally took over. It was a mix of flavors that Daichi loved, especially tasting them off of his crush's lips. They pulled away with a slight pant and gazed into each other's eyes. Suga was so happy he burst into tears again, but this time they were happy tears. He jumped into Daichis arms and the taller male picked him up and spun him around making them both laugh loudly. Daichi set Suga down and they connected their foreheads, still trying to process the scene that just played out. Daichi picked Suga up again and carried him over to his bed, setting him down then laying next to him. Suga turned to face Daichi and scooted closer to him. Daichi laid on his back and Suga placed his head on his left chest. Daichi played with Suga's hair as they laid in silence, accepting each other wholeheartedly.

Wait, what about Yui? Suga thought with a frown. But Suga decided not dwell on the negative and just enjoy this moment of pure bliss with Daichi. They both fell asleep, surrounded by used tissues and Mcdonald's wrappers but as happy as they'd ever been.

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