I wanna dog Rich

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"Wait Rich look!" I look back to see Eddie pointing at the sidebar of our local newspaper. "What is it Ed's" I say with a smirk knowing what he's about to say next. 3... 2... 1... "First off my name is honey, sweetie, or Eddie not 'Ed's' and it's about this man giving his pomeranians away for practically nothing!" I sigh because I know we would never be able to take care of a dog especially due to our jobs. I work as a full time standup comedian and he works as a taxi driver, neither of us would be home for the little guy- "or girl". "What was that honey?" I heard Eddie say while writing something down. "Oh nothing dear what's that you got there?", "Oh I'm just writing the guys number down!" He said that with such excitment and one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen, it makes me sad in away because I know how disappointed he will be- "So what do you think because me personally would kill to have such a cute little dog like that" I love seeing my beautiful husband so happy but knowing that we can't take care of a dog. "Sure Ed's, I'll think on it sweetie" I  saw the light slightly fade from his eyes and it made me feel sick.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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