CHAPTER TWO: The fatal swing

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It was one thing to joke on the expense of another; an entire matter to find humor in a person's predicament. After Cheta, discovered there was in fact no one coming for her, she casted a look bridging between anger and sadness at her friend. With a shake of her head, she sprinted off and away from the vicinity. The only thing she had attained for seeking for her consolation was more headache.

Well, by now her brother must be out of the house or in his room attending to other of his unimportant, important matter. The latter being for him and in average humans eyes, the first. Never one to engage in something beneficial, except for his own good and not of others. She didn't quite know if to detest him or be terrified by him.

As she drew closer to their home, she became agitated. Never once had she experience true peace. If she wasn't carrying out all the duties around the house, she most likely must be in their farm throwing in her weight. In all, she wasn't allowed to complain. Besides what is the importance of women if it doesn't pertain to attending to every detail. Caring for men and making certain their needs are attended to.

Cheta, snorted in disgust. Totally engulfed in her mind to pay attention to reality. Two pairs of eyes filled with what could outmatch hatred, flashed in her mind. It startled her. And indeed when she returned to her current state, there happened to be a replica of those caging her in place.

Her brother seated under a shade, glared at her. If looks could incerate  someone, she probably would be dead at the spot. "Where…" He gritted his once white turned brown teeth, "...are you coming from?"

A huge lump formed in her throat when she made to answer. Too afraid to stand her ground, she cowered a step back. Casted rapt gaze to her left and right probably hoping for a miracle to save her from his venom.

"Are you deaf?" He stood up. Adavaced towards her.

To her shock, Cheta discovered she couldn't move as she attempted to. Like her legs had been decapitated from the rest of her body.

"You think I'm joking right?" He bellowed.

Cheta, swallowed hard. Her body began shaking in tempo with her heart beat. "I… I… she… I…"

Her brother, obviously taking in her beyond frightened state. Just the effect he loved experiencing with low life creatures termed women, he suppressed a grin fighting its way to his over large lips. "If you don't start talking, oh, I will so knock you around you'd find it hard to use your scrawny hand for a week."

Cheta, broke into a sob that vibrated her already aching body. An image of receiving another round of kicking to her pain stricken flesh and bone having caused the feat. "P-please… It… it… wasn't my fault."

"What did you say?" He wanted her to say it again. To find another reason to cause physical harm to her in his own dillutional world. Anything to make him beat her up. "Repeat what you just said. Right now!"

"You… I… it wasn't my fault. You hit me…"

He frowned. "Are you by chance insinuating that I have to right to discipline you when you are wrong?" His tone registered surprise.

"That is not the right way…" Was all she said before a blow landed on the center of her head. Cheta, saw twinkling stars flashing abover her vision.

"How…" Another slap. "Dare…" A blow to her ear. "You…" A hit to the side. "Tell me what is right and wrong you little idiot. Forgotten so soon that I am way older than you and as a woman, you should respect me." He landed a blow to her stomach that made her crumple to the ground. Too terrified to cry, engulfed in the moment of burning pain, she rolled on the sandy earth. Tried to shield his blows as much as she could, which considering his leverage, proved to be fruitless.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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