Chapter 6

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"Come on!"

Olivia's throat ached from screaming along with the crowd. Parents and children alike whooped and hollered from all sides of her. Her cheeks were frozen to the touch, and each intake of breath filled her lungs with crisp autumn air, but the thrill under her skin kept her warm under the stadium lights. Feet stomped in a chant, and her friends laughed next to her, their sides bumping against Olivia every so often with the drunken exhilaration only an exciting sports game can bring.

It was as if the whole student body and their grandma had shown up for the Arden vs. Illyria game. Olivia Lennox was among the painted faces in Illyria colors and donning one of Viola's many soccer sweatshirts, this one having the Illyria seal on the front breast and HASTINGS proudly across the back. Earlier, she'd worried over whether she should wear it to the game with all the talk of her and Viola still circulating the school, but eventually decided she didn't care enough.

"Number 14, Porter has the ball...he connects a successful pass to Orisino on right wing-"

Duke's raucous yelling reverberated from the field, bidding someone to, for the love of God, get open. This is how it's been the whole first half- Arden's players sticking like glue to Illyria's offense, shutting down any plays from occurring beyond center field.

The girl who's name resides on Olivia's back zipped around with more zeal than the other fatigued player around her, desperate for an opening to help Duke. Arden had marked a man on her from the starting whistle. From the looks of him, he was most likely their most agile midfielder since his runner's form could keep up with that of Viola's sharp movements.

Viola, of course, was getting frustrated- Olivia could see it plainly enough, even from all the way up in the stands.

"Ball stolen! Arden ball, number 25, heading for Illyria goal."

Off in the corner, Viola gave a hard smack to her Arden bodyguard, and Olivia mostly saw it because she'd ignored the ball to watch her. The boy's steps falter, and he's astral projected off course.

Viola flies after the ball.

"Viola! Ugh, God" rang out behind Olivia in a shrill, older woman's voice. "Horrible sport. Terrible decision."

Olivia had seen Daphne Hastings long before the starting whistle. She sat to Olivia's right on a diagonal, next to who she assumed to be Viola's father. She'd never actually formally met the man, only heard Viola talk of him sometimes. Admittedly, the girl didn't mention him a lot- if not at all.

Mrs. Hastings had nearly lost it seeing Olivia make her way up the stands.

("Oh, Olivia, darling! Dear, this is Olivia; you remember her, don't you? She and Sebastian are an item!"

Olivia nervously glanced from one Hastings to the other. Mr. Hastings looked down at her with a considering look that made Olivia want to adjust her hair and clothing.

"Well..Daphne," Olivia used the woman's first name like she'd been told to many times. She hesitated, choosing her words carefully, "We aren't really-"

"Well, were. You know how these crazy kids are these days, zipping from boy to boy.")

She'd talked her ear off before one of Olivia's friends saved her by yelling about hot chocolate at the concession stand.

Now, Daphne gripped onto her ex-husband's (now husband again?) arm, looking aggrieved by Viola's violence while the rest of the student body cheered it on. Olivia herself didn't have the same sentiments as Viola's mother. She watched Viola plunge into aggression without a care, and suddenly felt too warm in her collar.

you know i'm such a fool for you (Olivia x Viola)Where stories live. Discover now