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I went to my locker to put my books until someone came and closed it.

"Hello," Harry said and made me jump.

"Jesus Christ, when you want to greet me be more careful."

"Sorry," he chuckled

"So what did you want?"

"Just wanted to remind you to come to my house at 4."

"Noted. I won't forget."


The bell rang and I put my books and shut the locker.

"Hey which class are you going to?" He asked.

"Biology," I replied.

"Me too, can we walk together?"


I opened my phone to text kittycats69 or whoever the hell he is

Ilikepizza: OMG I'm walking with the new guy, he's so cute I can't

I sent the text then Harry's phone beeped. weird.

"Sorry I had a text message."

"From who?" I asked curiously.

"Uh my mom," he said

We walked with silence to the class and got in our seats. I just can't stop thinking about kittycats69 or whoever he is, oh my god what if he is a drug addict or he's the person who asks for nudes. oh hell no I better ask him an-

"Mrs Morgan are you paying attention?" Mrs Baily asked.

"Uh yeah," I answered

"Then what did I just say."

"Uh.... 'Mrs morgan are you paying attention'." I said, everybody laughed and damn her expression was going to kill me.

"To the principle's office now," she pointed to the door.


It was lunch time and I sat with my friends, Jack and Rachel.

"I heard you went to the principles office what happened?" Rachel asked.

"I just answered the teacher, I was zoned out then she asked me if I'm paying attention and she told me to tell her what she said earlier. and-"

"And you told her what she said earlier," Jack completed.


"Hello," a deep raspy voice said behind me and I turned to see its harry.

"May I sit here." He asked.

I swear Rachel and Jack looks like they were about to pass out any minute.

"Sure," I said.

"Hey um.... are they okay," he whispered to me and motioned to them.

"Yeah they're um... possessed."

"Hey!" They both said.

Simple fanfic and no lame jokes in this chapter :(

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