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LEON entered the card into the slot in front of him, activating the gate in front of them

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LEON entered the card into the slot in front of him, activating the gate in front of them. faye felt a feeling of relief wash over her as the gates open. finally, they were out of this terrifying police department. hopefully, they'd never cycle back to this disastrous place.

the trio waited for the gates to open in an awkward silence. after the gate opened, they started walking into the rainy, ruined streets of raccoon city, keeping their guard up for any surprises that would come in their way.

"is that the intel you needed?" leon asked, following the woman ahead of him.

"unfortunately, no." ada answered, continuing to walk down the empty, wet street ahead of her. "ben didn't come through." she finished, resulting both leon and faye to look at eachother.

"what are you looking for?" faye asked in a soft, quiet voice. ada smirked softly at the younger woman's voice, shaking her head softly. faye could tell that ada was already doubting her abilities and it drove her crazy. she just wanted to prove her wrong

"more info on people who are responsible for this mess." ada stated, stopping once she saw the big hole in the road. "road's out." she sighed in annoyance, turning towards the gun shop. "going through that gun shop looks like the only way." ada walked towards the doors of the gun shop, kneeling down to unlock the door. after ada opened the door, the the trio stepped in, looking at the interior of the gun shop.

the place looked as if a tornado ripped through it. there was debris everywhere and shelves were knocked on the floor; the whole place looked like a dump. "watch your step." faye said to the two, holding her gun close to her chest.

before the three of them could make it out of the gun shop, leon was stopped with a gunshot aimed at his head. leon stops for a minute, shaking slightly. "don't move." the armed man stated, pressing the barrel of the gun on the side of leon's head.

"i'm not gonna hurt you--."

"i said don't move!" the man yelled, bringing attention to both ada and faye. faye walks over slowly, with her weapon drawned at the man.

"i'm just passing through. i'm gonna have to ask you to lower that weapon." leon spoke in a calm, soft voice. however, faye knew that deep down inside, leon was shitting his pants.

"like hell you are." the man whispered in a shaky tone. faye shook her head, walking towards the two with her gun up. "you're gonna turn around and go right back the way you came in." the man said lowly.

the two look over at the heavy breathing coming behind the man. it was a small girl with pale, semi-rotten skin. faye's heart sunk to her stomach, looking at the little girl. all she could think about was quinn in that form; young, afraid and already losing her mind.

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