One Horrible Incident

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#mydream #uncut

This story is uncut or pls excuse my grammar. I wrote this right after i woke up from my dream till i remembered the scenes. so there's no connectivity in this content like a story. It's a real dream experience of mine. If u like this content let me know in the comments. My next upload depends on your views.


My weird dream:

I was pregnant my mom and uncle knew it and was very happy. But i didn't know who my husband is and suddenly i have a thought that I've not been married. I touch my belly and excited for the baby. At some point i question myself who is my husband and how did this happen and i thought what if i have been raped by my physics teacher without my knowledge. My mom told me to inform it to my husband's home about my pregnancy. Then i realised that i was married with some random guy long long ago and im not with him right now.

Next scene...
I was with some fair guy who is my husband. His backstory is he's a show off guy who wants girls attention. So he is doing some stupid stunt and fails awkwardly. Every girl smiles at him in a funny way.

Then next scene is my husband arrives and i was taken to some random place and my in-laws are planning to take out the baby from my stomach which is not yet fully grown. They took the baby out. It was a baby boy with dark skin and very healthy but in his back of the head there was a plaster. I cannot even beleive if the baby was not fully grown.

Everything blurs...

Next scene...

im in my home and i was in pain....Very depressed thinking of every means to forget what happened and my body faces some physical changes i wore a black dotted left hand's was turning different like it was turned like zig zag after few minutes i felt my whole body is disfigured. My body is so thin....Head is the same size as now... Hand became very shot like a chicken leg piece and fingers turned to one side and stuck to each other fingers.
I cant even open my left hand it was horrible to watch. I told my uncle that back then u told me to take care if my health, i didn't listen so im suffering now.

Next scene
some random uncle asked 20 rs balance amount to my mother. I took the amount and went to him. When he counted i saw 20 rs not 100 rs note and a 10 rs note he laughed at me and returned the 110 rs to me.

Next scene

as i saw earlier that fair guy was very mischeivious and did some unwanted things with his group of friends and got found out and was punished by the head of the town that everyone from his gang should pay penalty of 1 lakh.

End of dream


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