chapter 33

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Nick was silent for several seconds and then he cleared his throat
            - Is it mine? – He asked still a bit shocked
            - No Nick, I did it with my finger, what do you think? – Demi said – what a dumb question – she added
            - we were two weeks apart, maybe you had someone – Nick said
            - first of all, I didn’t have someone, I can’t be with someone when I love other person, and second I’m a month pregnant, not two weeks that was almost imposible for me to discover it – Demi said
            - are you really sure you’re pregnant? – Nick asked
            - Yes, I did the test twice to be sure – Demi said
            - That’s the reason why you were crying when I came? – Nick asked
            - Yes – Demi said
            - Why? Having a child it’s one of the most amazing things woman can do – Nick said
            - Yes, but it was not because of having a child, it was because it’s just not the right time – Demi said
            - What do you mean? – Nick said
            - Nick, I’m just not Demi, I’m Demi Lovato the singer with millions of fans and in the middle of recording an album and with a tour to begin in two months. And we’re broken up, I just didn’t know how to tell you – Demi said
            - Were you thinking of even tell me? – Nick said
            - At some point of course, but I just didn’t know how and when – Demi said and Nick got closer to her hugging her
            - Everything is going to be ok, you have millions of fans who will support us and will welcome the baby. Family is always first, you still can do the tour but you have to promise me you’re gonna take care of yourself and our baby – Nick said and rubbed her stomach
            - Thanks – Demi said and closed her eyes while hugging Nick
            - you don’t need to thank me. What do you want him or her to be? – Nick asked
            - I like boys, but I also like girls and in your family it’s only boys, well exept Alena and in mine it’s only girls so I don’t even know – Demi said – What about you? – she asked
            - I would like to have a daddy’s girl, but I would like to have a little me – Nick said – I hope it’s healthy, that’s all I ask for – Nick said and looked at Demi
            - Yeah me too – Demi said and an awkward silence came in until Nick kissed Demi without her expecting
            - I love you – Nick said when he pulled away
            - I love you too – Demi said
            - When do you want to tell the family? – Nick asked
            - Only when I can’t hide it anymore – Demi said
            - and then we have to tell everyone – Nick said
            - yes, and people aren’t stupid they know we’ve been separated these weeks, I only expect they don’t think we got back together just because of this baby – Demi said
            - We can tell them we didn’t, we were just having a time for ourselves, every couple has their fights – Nick said
            - You’re right – Demi said – I was not expecting you to accept this so well
            - Why? I always wanted to have kids and I will love this baby as much as I love you – Nick said and was about to kiss Demi when he was interrupted

            - You’re pregnant?! – Madison asked a bit shocked
            - for how long have you been there? – Demi asked
            - enough – she said – weren’t you guys over? – She added
            - Not for real, we were just having some time apart, we’re good now – Nick said
            - so are you really pregnant or? – Frankie asked
            - yes, I am – Demi said
            - congrats – Madison said – when are you telling mom and dad? – She added
            - that’s the worst part – Demi said – I don’t know if I can hide it for too long, I don’t feel like lying to her – Demi said
            - My honest opinion is that your mom should know right away, I think she’ll be more pissed if you only tell her months after you know it – Nick said
            - I guess you’re right, Madison do me a favor and tell mom that we’ll have dinner tonight here, and tell Dallas too – Demi said
            - right away – Madison said and went inside with Frankie
            - when do you want to tell your mom? – Demi asked in a soft voice
            - whenever you feel prepared, you’re the one carrying the news – Nick said – litteraly – he added and laughed Demi laid down and placed her hands on her stomach
            - Hey there little warrior, it’s mommy – Demi said and started laughing – I look dumb talking to my stomach
            - You know that the baby looks like an E.T peanut – Nick said and laughed
            - Well, I gotta go to the kitchen, we have the family coming over – Demi said and got up
            - Wait you forgot something – Nick said and searched for something inside his pocket – here – he said and placed her ring on her finger
            - I missed this buddy – Demi said and kissed Nick. They went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

            A few hours later Demi’s parents, Dallas and Mike arrived.
            - How are you guys? – Dianna asked
            - Better than ever – Nick said
            - How are you boy? – Eddie said and shook Nick’s hand
            - great, sir – nick said and they went to the table

            After dinner they went to the living room.
            - Well, Nick and I need to talk to you guys about something – Demi said
            - You guys are back together, we get it – Dallas said laughing
            - Yes, but there’s something more, and please let us talk and make questions only at the end – Demi said
            - Go on – Eddie said and Demi looked over at Nick with tears on her eyes
            - I can’t, I’m afraid they’ll feel disapointed – Demi whispered and Nick wrapped his arm around her
            - So, we really need to tell you this and- Nick said
            - Say it all Nick – Maddie said
            - Demi’s pregnant – He blurted out
            - For real? – Dianna said
            - Yes – Demi said
            - how long? – Dianna asked
            - a month – Nick said
            - dad? – Demi said since Eddie didn’t said a word
            - was this planned? – He asked
            - No, but we a- Demi started
            - You shoul’ve been more careful Demi, having a baby it’s not a moment thing, it’s for your whole life, you’ll need to quit your carreer for months who knows years – Eddie said
            - Yes, I do love my fans and I love music, but I always wanted kids and it was not my plan, but it was God’s plans, I will love him or her with all of my heart and all I want is you guys to support me – Demi said
            - We will support you, we love you and will love whoever is growing up inside you right now, we’re just a bit caught off guard – Dianna said
            - Yes – Eddie said
            - Well, this is awkward – Dallas said
            - Why? – Nick asked making a weird face
            - I’m also pregnant – She said
            - Woah, I was not expecting so much in one night – Dianna said
            - Congrats to both of you, my baby girls – Eddie said
            - Well, I was not expecting this, my daughters pregnant at the same ti- Dianna stopped mid sentence
            - What? – Demi asked and Dianna looked over at Madison
            - Nop, still free – Madison said with her hands in the air and everyone laughed
            - I wish you two all the best – Eddie said


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