Chapter 2

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Sorry they're taking forever to come out. I'm updating when I can, but real life is getting in the way. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy.


Chapter 2

The clamor in the clearing was loud and stunning. Frostfire, sitting in the center of the group, was resisting the urge to yowl at the other cats. This disorganization was getting them nowhere.

Gesturing to the other leaders, she gravitated to a large stump located directly in the center of the grassy clearing.

"Cats of the Clans! Please settle down!" Frostfire waited for the cats to quiet down. "Thank you. By now I am sure that you are aware of what transpired this afternoon. I want you all to know that the Rebels of ThornClan do not condone this behavior."

One particularly forward cat in the crowd stood. "I heard it was you and Talonheart who actually did the stealing! How can you claim to disagree with their morals when you performed the act yourself?" A chorus of yeah's and murmurs filled the clearing. Frostfire lifted her tail to regain silence.

"Yes, Talonheart and I were assigned to that particular task. It was not a pleasant one, nor did we want to do it. Yet we had to, first to keep our cover within the Clan, and second to ensure the safety of the kits. StarClan forbid a fighter had taken them, who knows what he would have done!

"As it was, we led a primarily rebel patrol, took the kits safely and unscathed to the camp where they are now simply being guarded by ThornClan Rebel cats. We are sorry that we had to do it, but the alternatives could have been much worse." The noise in the clearing grew once more as cats continued to gossip about what they were learning.

"Previously these meetings have been used to exchange information, to teach the younger Rebels how a Clan should run. Because of today's events, we have collectively decided that this is the last straw. The Clans cannot continue this way, otherwise we will all die." Frostfire paused for the cheering to die down. A cat nudged her shoulder. Frostfire turned to see her fellow leader and friend, Lightwatcher of SwiftClan. The light gray she-cat pushed her way to the front of the stump.

"We all know what will happen tomorrow. ThornClan crossed the line when they crossed the boundaries and into the heart of LakeClan's camp. They took the fight to the next level by choosing to steal the kits of an enemy Clan. Now, there will be war. And not what we've been doing recently, these little skirmishes and petty thefts of prey. We think there is going to be a huge battle between the Clans, and whichever sides come out on top will be the winners."

Rippletail, the little ginger tom leader from LakeClan, stood forward then. "Before we left, my leader held a war council. He told me that this fight, so long in coming, was to be held primarily between RockClan and ThornClan. LakeClan was initially going to try to stay out of it. After ThornClan stole those kits, however, there was a shift." The murmurs of the crowd began anew, louder than before.

"I have been told that there will be a two-way split. LakeClan has agreed to a treaty with RockClan, and will battle with them in two days time. They plan on a massive ambush on ThornClan and SwiftClan, who they have deemed to be the other side no matter if SwiftClan is involved in the fight or not." Every SwiftClan and ThornClan cat in the clearing began yowling in annoyance. Frostfire could see tensions between the cats rising.

"We should take advantage of this battle! We need to fight and get rid of the Fighter leaders once and for all!" One cat yowled loudly. Her neighbor, a cat of a different Clan, voiced other ideas.

"We should wait until they destroy each other, then attack whoever is left and take over the Clan leadership for ourselves. Patience is our greatest asset."

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