The beginning and the end

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The Overlord.

Being a superhero was the dream of every child at a certain age .

I kept this dream through when I was a teenager, but things don't

Always go the way you want. When the world discovered powers

I should've been thrilled.. But nothing went the right way so I gave up.

Honestly I blame myself. Wanna know how it started? I remember it clear as day,

After all.. How could I forget?

It was summer vacation and it was the perfect weather for what we were gonna do-

Go to a hotel. We reached there and it was a bit crowded .(what did you expect?) I looked through the crowd and saw someone walking towards us, as soon as I saw who it was I wanted to take the fastest taxi home or ANYWHERE else , if I couldn't find I taxi I would walk . You might be thinking that I was scared and you'd be absolutely wrong , I just hated her. I normally don't wanna hurt anything or anyone but she was the only one who annoyed me into making me want to punch her. I could go on listing everything I hate about her but that would be boring for me and you so I'm just gonna list three for ya. She overreacts about the littlest things , she brags way too much (we get you're rich) and she's so annoying... So I was bracing myself for whatever thing she did next and sang myself whatever calm songs I could think of , she came over wearing her usual red jacket (she wears it so much sometimes I think she never changes) and some black Jeans. What happened next enrages me still now- She pushed me into the fountain water for no reason, I got super angry and closed my eyes "it's ok " I told myself , I wanted to punch her so bad .. I knew I couldn't and I wouldn't so I just clenched my fist and I heard a huge BAM

I opened my eyes and there was Amanda (the girl who I hated) on the floor , her left hand was bleeding,

Everyone looked at me as if it was my fault .

I flinched , not knowing what to do I ran. people were throwing whatever they had with them (except their phone of course) , I was confused did I do THAT..? I couldn't have...right? I looked back checking if anyone was there. I only saw some people I thought I could take a rest and then they came closer and it was cops......

I ran even harder ignoring the pain of running for so much . My heart was beating as fast as you can say "RUN!" I needed a break. I looked back there was one cop still there . I prayed in my mind still trying to run SOMEBODY help me suddenly the cop was on the floor was he ... dead? I couldn't find out more cops came after seeing what happened I stopped running. I gave up but this time my body kept on running , my legs didn't feel heavy anymore .. I felt free.. One cop came and stopped me . Was this the end? Was I gonna be in jail for something I couldn't control?

He looked at me and said "Don't you feel any shame? You hurt so many people." I was confused "I didn't do anything.. It was an accident. Only two people were hurt but I'm sorry. I didn't do anyth-" the cop interrupted "that's what everyone says .. Will sorry fix their pain, kid? Will it? Also you hurt a lot more than two. You're out of control come with me" he went to the car. That was my first time in a police car . For all those who haven't been in one I can tell you it's not a nice experience.

We entered Haily district prison (Haily was the neighbourhood )and I was left in a jail cell. I didn't ever think a jail cell was clean but it was a lot dirtier than expected. I sat on the bed trying to touch as less as I could. I hoped for something to happen. If I really hurt a lot of people without touching them it meant... I had powers. Powers were all I wanted as a kid but it didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to . It wasn't a gift it was a curse.

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