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Colby sat on the couch, thinking about all the words Emma said a couple of hours ago

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Colby sat on the couch, thinking about all the words Emma said a couple of hours ago. How she wants full custody of faith, how she's moving out and how they are breaking up. Colby is struggling to face it, face the reality of the situation and knowing he will probably never get the chance to be with Emma again. Colby decided to grab out a beer, drink his sorrows away and forget about reality at this point. But all he kept thinking about was Emma, the first time they met and he couldn't help but smile.

~ flashback ~

"I'm telling you dude.. this will be funny for vine" sam explains to Colby, Colby shrugs and decides he will go along with sams plan. They
Planned out they would go up to random girls and hug them from behind, hopefully proving that if you hug a girl from behind " you will get there number".

They did it to a couple of girls, all of them just getting scared and laughing. Both sam and Colby gave up, they decided they would try again and hopefully score. "Dude dude, what about her over there" same nudges Colby, pointing to Emma and Colby nods. Colby walks up to Emma, wrapping his arms around her and only earning a slap across the face.

"What the fuck!" Emma shouts, Colby puts his hand up to his chick and cringes. "It's for vine!" Sam runs up behind Colby explaining that all they were trying to do was hug girls from behind and hopefully getting there numbers. "How many girls numbers have you gotten?" Emma asked, "none.." both sam and Colby say at the same time. "Well.. what's your name?" Emma asked Colby, "Colby" he answered and she smiles.

"Well.. first of all Colby, don't hug random girls from behind because it's creepy and second of all." Emma says, writing her number on a piece of paper and giving it to Colby. "Let this be your first number" Emma says, grabbing her milkshake from the counter and walking off with her friends. "Feisty" sam says, Colby looks down at the paper and smirks. "Okay bro.. that's looking a little red. We should put some ice on that." Sam says, putting his hand up against Colby's back and walking off.

~ back fo reality ~

"I still love him tara.. but I don't know about having a fucking drug dealer and un-helpful boyfriend so ideal." Emma says, sipping her wine glass and sighing at the end. "Well think about it em.. do what's best for you and faith. If leaving Colby is the answer, then do it." Tara explains, drinking the last of her wine and pouring some more. "You think?" Emma asked, "mhm, trust me. It's not the gut feeling, it's up here" Tara says, pointing to Emma's head and Emma giggles a bit.

"I just.. don't know why I kept giving him chance after chance after chance." Emma says, drinking the last of her wine. "Girl- it's because the feeling of not having a man for you and your little faith is scary. I mean girl- be independent and not rely on Colby's lazy ass." Tara explains, Emma smiles before realising that Tara's right. Emma's mum always raised her to be independent, so she was gonna start being independent and not relying on Colby's lazy ass.

"Thanks Tara.. I'm gonna go to bed" Emma says, before getting up and heading to the spare bedroom. Laying next to Faith, that was sound asleep with her koala toy next to her. Emma looked at that koala toy, remembering that Colby won that for her and she couldn't help but get a wave of sadness over her. When they first started going out, when Colby stayed over she remembered how when it was cold the blanket was just part of thing keeping herself warm. It was also Colby's arms wrapped around her, spooning her and sleeping peacefully.


It was the next morning, Emma was at work and Faith was at preschool. Colby came around to Tara's house, hopefully seeing Emma and sadly of course she wasn't. "Listen Colby.. I think she's deadset on being by herself form now on. Or maybe finding someone new. I'm sorry Colby but she's given up on giving you chances." Tara explained, Colby looks at the ground and couldn't help but feel a bit watery in the eyes.

"Okay well.. if that's how she feels, I'm not gonna force her to take me back." Colby explains, "Can I at least put this letter on her bed" Colby asked Tara and Tara just shrugs. "Sure.." Tara says, walking into the kitchen and Colby walks into Emma's room.  He places the envelope on the bed, looks around the room and noticed a tight black dress in her suit case. The one she wore on their first date, Colby smiled at the memory.

~ flashback ~

" this movies so boring." Colby whispers to Emma, "I know right.. it's so cringy" Emma says back to Colby. "Hey let's go do something more worth our time." Colby says, putting out his hand for Emma to grab and they run out of the theatre.

They walk out, Colby looks around until he saw a fountain over in the park and looks at Emma. "Hey let's recreate the friends intro." Colby says, Emma smirks before running ahead of Colby. "Running as fast as that in high heels, damnnn." Colby says, before following her into the fountain.

The splash around, Emma's makeup ruined and both of them drenched. "Hey! Get out of there" the security guard shouts at them, Emma grabs Colby's hand and they run out fo the fountain. Running behind the bush, they sit there for a bit and watch the security guard cluelessly look for them. "That was fun" Emma says, "I agree" Colby says and there was silence between them. Colby leans in, Emma doing the same till their lips met.

~ back to reality ~

Colby sighs, before leaving Emma's room and saying goodbye to Tara. He turned on the radio, the song 'every breath you take' by the police came on and Colby remembered Emma dancing around to this song and unpacking there things into there new house. Colby turns off the song, then drives off and realised he needs to move on to.

That's the hard reality, but is it gonna be easy?

Heyyy!! Hope y'all enjoyed this one and I'm sorry  it's cheesy but I'm trying here! 💘

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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