stabbing in the dark

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No one spoke their names even though everyone remembers them. It wasn't that long ago. The most imfamous serial killer of our time. An omega more vicious than any monster seen in the movies. He knew how to destroy someone and make it seem like you never existed in the first place. He was proof of the saying 'never mess with an omega's family'. It's said that if you stepped to close to his Alpha, he'd hunt you down. He'd make you suffer, go insane as he stalked you and watch as you crumble with fear, and once you're on the edge of breaking fully he'd slice your throat open and sit there with a smile on his face from behind the mask as he watches you die. Very slowly, very painfully.

It was told his story started when he was 9. He'd had an amazing childhood nothing out of the ordinary. His parents were still together and he both loved and hated his older sister. Nothing stood out as strange. He went to a nice school, had many friends. Everything seemed perfect however as they say perfect doesn't last forever.

It was halloween 1994, he was 9 years old and his sister had promised to take him out trick or treating as their parents were out of town for the night. However she had other plans. She'd invited a bunch of her friends over and they had brought booze and drugs with them. He was so scared their parents would come home and find out and It seemed like she didn't care that their parents could come home any minute. "Come on, time for bed"

"But you promised..." he whined as she goes to push him up the stairs. He never knew why she'd always had a problem with him.

"Bed. Go." he goes to run up the stairs however something catches his eye. He looks out the window to see a man standing there wearing a white mask starring back at him. Everything about him instantly terrified the younger. He runs over to his sister to tell her about the man however like normal she ignores him and once again tells him to go to bed.

So that what spencer did. He ignores the man, he ignores his feeling of fear, he ignores the laughter and talking from down stairs. That was until the only thing he could hear were screams. He instantly climbs out from under the covers and hides under the bed.

Everything went so fast the next thing he remembers was quietly walking down the stairs to see bodies everywhere including his sisters. It was the noise in the back garden that had him running to hide under the staircase. He hid there for hours hoping, preying the man didn't find him. The man had waited for spencers parents to come home and just like his sister and her friends sliced their throats.

Most of his memories about his family are gone now. He was too young to remember. However he followed his families murderer. Kept tabs on him. Lets just say karma's a bitch.

Now lets move one. It was said his alpha carried no weapons, not a drop of blood stains any of his clothing ever. He'd stay home and took care for the pups while his omega was out. However don't be fooled by soft nature everyone saw in him. He had a gentle voice and the delicate face and the sweetest expressions, but it is him who you should fear more than a thousand of the other one. A dark power laid within that boy and the day he had gained control he never let go.

The two had met when the omega was 23 he recieved a call from his foster mother saying she had found a few thing that had belonged to him and she wanted to catch up. The omega instantly said yes as the two of them did get along amazingly.

If you would have told either of them that they would be meeting his soulmate that day they would have laughed in your face and told you to fuck off however it was true. As the omega walked up the driveway a guy was sat on the steps. He looked about 21 22 years old and smoking hot. He would have just walked right past him though if he hadn't noticed that black mark on the top of the strangers left arm.

See everyone is born with a soulmate and to help you fine them the two of you bear the same tattoo from birth. Their one was simple, an IX on their bicep. The omea couldn't help but stare and wonder how he ended up an orphan.

The alpha just like his omega had a rough upbringing. His entire childhood surrounded by murder. He was 5 years old when everything i his life went sideways. He had always had visions, he'd had them since he was born. It use to only happen in his sleep and he wouldn't remember much however soon enough, when he was two or three, it started happening during the day. When he was 5 he could project thoughts to others. When he was 7 he could read others minds. He had always thought of it as a gift until his father got a job at a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

"oH I'm not gonna hurt you I'm just gonna bash your fucking brains in" the voice of his father rings through his head. He quickly turns however no one was there. His soulmark suddenly starts to burn and he look at the IX branded on his shoulder.

His mother walks into the room in tears, completely ignoring her son. He thinks about going over to see her but there was on point she'd just tell him not to worry as he is young and he doesn't have to worry that little brain of his.

later that evening he lays in bed, his thoughts running wild with a song stuck in his head. A song he had never heard before. "That the writing on my walls will tell you how it's gonna be" His mother was asleep as it was late in the evening and he couldnt sleep.

He heads over to her room to check on her however picks up my mums lipstick and writes on the mirror. Redrum. His mother wakes up and as she sees the writting just as his father opens the front door. With an axe. His mother grabs his wrist and drags him into the bathroom.

She opens the bathroom window the best she could and got him out. He slides down the snow. She tries to follow however fails too. "Run. Run" and thats what he does.

He finds his way into the kitchen and hide in one of the cupboards. He hears dad walk pass however not to find his son. He hears the chefs voice and felt sorry for him. Becuase of the gift/curse he has he watches as his father kills the man and he screams.

His father follows him in the hotel maze however only he leave. His father froze to death. Both he and his mother survived the ordeal but his life just got worse. A few months later his mother commited suicide and he was thrown into the system. However that wasn't his only problem. His power grew stronger everyday. By the time he was 15 his power turned to controlling peoples thoughts and he practiced manipulating minds of originally animals then on his husband's victims.

Just as the omega was about to talk to him he looked up and smiled at him. "You know, your not allowed to have your mark on display until you actually meet your mate right" he says to the alpha.

"Only in public. I'm on private land." He corrected with a smile. Even without the mark the omega could tell he was his alpha. No alpha smelled that good to him, he already was starting to crave more.

"Spencer" the omega said introducing himself.

"Justin" the alpha replied shaking spencers hand. It was that moment of contact that he watched justins mark turn black. He could feel his change aswell.

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