Soul x Reader Cherry Blossoms

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The cherry blossom petals slowly fell to the ground.

A light pink started to cover the ground, on which he stood. Right beside her.

Or, her gravestone.

He'd always find her here. Under the Cherry Blossoms. She'd be drawing the landscape. Death City from above, the Shibusen, her friends or most specifically him.

She would never want to show him when she drew him though.

Oh how he loved the way, how her (s/k) cheeks reddened. When she pouted and looked away from him, making her (h/l) (h/c) hair float behind her.

How he loved the feeling to be all cuddled up with her, when she was scared of a thunderstorm and called him over. How she'd bury her face into his chest and fall asleep after mere seconds.

How he loved it when she laughed. Oh, her laugh. It was this beautiful angelic sound he would never experience again.

He could never see her beautiful smile again.

He wouldn't be able to kiss her soft lips anymore.

He couldn't tease her about her height anymore.

He couldn't joke around with her, fling her over his shoulder and run down the long trail of stairs when school ends.

He couldn't take her out for dinner anymore.

He couldn't play the piano for her.

She loved it when he played for her. She always smiled that angelic smile of hers. She never forced him to play. When she noticed he wasn't feeling well, she'd lay her soft hands on his shoulders and tell him

"It's okay."

He isn't able to hear it anymore.

He will never hear it again.

And all of this, just because he wasn't there when she needed him.

That night, when the Kishin showed up..

...Under the Cherry Blossoms.

This one was requested by TriciaMcafee
Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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