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A/N: Dear Readers, this is a collaborated masterpiece; a drama script composed by the greatest dramatist, writers and actresses of the 21st CENTURY PUBLIC HUMILIATION SQUAD. This drama script is highly original and a one of a kind masterpiece published under Copyrights, hence if it is copied or taken ideas from without the consent of the 21st CENTURY PUBLIC HUMILIATION SQUAD; in any form of plagiarism or piracy CONSEQUENCES shall have to be met by LAW.

Please enjoy the script to the fullest and comment your feedback and suggestion to make it more beautiful.


· Sandami Thishakya- @PoTaeToe954

· Jacklin Roberts- @NichiShehara

· Min Hangsoomi- 

Jacklin Roberts: This is quite different from any pieces I've composed, hence it's been quite challenging. But thanks to my great friends who are extremely creative within their imagination capacity that overflows and out of the box thinking capability, I've been able to contribute in creating a magnificent creation that goes beyond time and human capacity. The 21st Humiliation Squad is the best. Thank you for giving me encouragement, advice and support.

Sandami Thishakya: This is actually the 2nd script I've ever officially done in my life. I'm quite grateful for my friends support to make 'Simple As that'. I'm really happy of how it turned out. Thanks guys! 

Min Hangsoomi:

 PLEASE Vote, Comment, Follow and Share for SUPPORT.

 Have a day full of love<3!

Jacklin Roberts signing out

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