1 -- Karashuu

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Me: But it just makes so much sense that Karma would be tOoOoOoOopppppppppppp!!!!!!!

Jackal: that's not what the other shippers want, idiot.

Me: C'mon i know you agree with me!! I mean -- you are me after all.

Jackal: You. But better.

Me: Screw you. But lIsTeN!! Look. Shuu's a bAaAbyyyyyyyyy!!!! He's an innocent little bean who needs a hug!! And karma can give them to hiMmMMMmM!!!! It's geniusssssss!!!!!

Jackal: no it's not. No one would want to read something like that. Also - Gakashuu? Innocent? Did you hit your head or something?

Me: Ok lOoK-- People have made KaRmA f.CkInG AkAbAne an innocent bean. So shuu can definitely be one. U.U

Jackal: Thats illegal.

Me: yeah but they bailed themselves out with dirty pictures.

Jackal: wait a second...

Jackal: does that mean-

Jackal: Korosensie!

Korosensie: Nurfufufufuffuffufufu

Jackal: (sigh)

Me: [We'll enjoy him while he's still here. Its not long till he's gone...]

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