00. Intro

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After tossing and turning in my bed, i turned to my left side to check the time that seemed to be frozen. It was 3:15am, i gave up on trying to sleep and woke up. I took my blanket with me to the roof top and sat down on a chair. It was rather chilly outside.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a voice, i didn't need to look to know who it was. Sehun asked sitting next to me. He handed me a cup of hot liquid, i eyed it and noticed that he had one too.

"Just camomile tea, i know you don't like coffee; so you're welcome." He explained shrugging. I nodded and mumbled a thanks, i took a sip and closed my eyes enjoying the warmed it brought.

We were supposed to be up by 6 and ready by 7. I really tried to sleep and rest because the day was going to be long but all i did was toss and turn. I decided i wasn't going to get the sleep i wanted, might as well sit and wait for the others to wake up too. Turns out, i wasn't the only one not able to sleep.

I felt someone take my cup from my hands, i turned to look at the the thief and he smiled at me taking a sip from my cup. "Yea I can't sleep either" JJ said giving me back my cup.

"I mean this is what we have been training for and doing for as long as i can remember. why does it feel like we are walking to our death?" Another voice said making my head turn to them. Jisoo was sitting next to sehun, hugging herself.

"Because we are walking to our death" Xiumin our team leader said sitting next to jisoo. I realized i wasn't the only one nervous. It was our first suicide mission, all our missions were basically dangerous and we could loose our lives but this felt different and to top it off, it was the man that seemed to be invisible to everyone and even our organization that was great at keeping tabs  on everyone and everything, i wonder what they saw in us to think we could take him down.

"Why us tho?" I voiced my concern, thinking out loud.We were all sitting on the roof top in a straight line looking at the lights of the city that lit up the sky.

"Because we are the best of the best and it's going to get us killed one day... Or maybe in a few hours." Sehun answered sighing at the end. He ran his hand in his long hair pushing it back and he took a sip of his cup. He turned to jisoo offering her his tea. We were all cold.

"Right" i nodded absent minded, lost in my thoughts.

"Maybe if we survive this, we should consider being the loosers for once? I mean i have dreams!!!" JJ argued throwing his hand in the air.

"Shut up Jeon! That's fear talking" Jisoo fired back at him trying to sound brave. She was mostly convincing herself but we all knew we were scared of the possibilities of one of us dying or all of us. He was the most dangerous and ruthless man we've ever encountered.

"And you're not afraid? I am terrified Jisoo. I am still a virgin for God's sake"Everyone laughed at JJ's complaints.
"Oh and who is going to believe that lie?"

"I swear it's true. I gotta get laid " he argued taking my cup again. We pretty much shared everything, it was normal for 5 people to drink from one cup at the same time.

We sat there making fun of each other and laughing together, it made us forget the task we had for a moment. Then it was time to get ready. As the sun rose we lost the smiles on our faces and everything was silent. We watched it rise.

"It's time." I got up first. The faster we get it done the faster we will be out of here. It was our last mission of the year. And depending on how big the mission is we took 3 to 4 missions a year. So far this one was the most dangerous and complicated of all of our previous missions.

10 WISHES BEFORE I GO | EXO Chanyeol FFWhere stories live. Discover now