I love you

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Duke went to take a shower. You ask your dad "So why are you so happy." Your dad said "Because... I just am." with a smile on his face you say "okay?" Duke finished his shower. You go take your's. Duke and your dad talk. Duke says "Your daughter is a very nice." dad says "Of course she is she is mine kid. Are you in to her?" Duke says "What me no not at all haha!" he said with a smile and blushing. dad says "Well to me it seems like she is in to you and your in to her." Duke says "Well she is out of the bath room i need to go to the bath room haha yeah." he said nervous. Duke goes to the bath room he did't even need to go. he just sat there on the floor. Your dad said "well i need to go to the store." you say "It's dark all ready wow. Well enjoy dad." you hear crying from the bath room." You say "Duke is that you are you okay?" Duke says "Um yes of course sorry." you say "Can i come in?" Duke says "UM... yes you can." you come in. You ask "what is wrong." Duke says "Nothing!" still crying. You say "Pleas tell me Duke." he says "I-I...love you (N\Y)!" You just kissed him. I love you to Duke. You wiped his tears away. You both make dinner together. Your dad comes home he ask you both "What smells so good you two." you say "Me and Duke cooked diner." your dad says "Thanks!" with a smile. You all finished eating." every one goes to bed. But you woke up from a bad dream. You ran to Duke he woke up. He said "What is wrong (N\Y)!" you tell him "I had a bad dream." he said "It's okay come here." he kissed you on the head and you cuddle with him. You two got up in the morning. You and Duke went on a walk. Duke said "Will you be my girlfriend (N\Y)?" you say "YES!" you two kissed. When you went back to your dad house he had something to tell you he has been wanting to tell for a long time now.

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