Chapter 1

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I was born on a cloudy day in spring, where the sun was fighting to get out from the gray clouds. The rose buds were popping out of their blooms. I was not my mothers first born. In fact, my parents thought I was rather dull. My nanny took care of me until I was five. My sister was fourteen at that time, and was already famous. My brother was fourteen as well and was reading and writing at a university level. My mother would help my sister with her dancing, and my father would study with my brother. I was left alone to walk around the forest for hours. We lived in a rather large house. There was the staff. They always looked out for me. On my tenth birthday, I was walking through the woods. The snow was still falling, making a blanket of white, that laid on the ground. The trees had its dark wood that they wore like cloaks in the winter. My parents had failed to throw me a party, or buy me a present, so I walked though the woods, trying to think about something else. I was just about to turn and walk back home, when I heard the noise of horse hooves on cobblestone. It was one of the noises I had trained my ears to listen to. When my mother and father got home or my sisters manager, stopping by to make sure she hadn't broken a bone. I ran to the path to see a golden carriage roll past me. I stared at it. When it passed me, I ran after it. Unlike my family, I was adventurous. I liked to run, climb and swim in places I found. When the carriage stopped I hid my self behind a tree. The carriage door opened and a man walked out and look around. He was wearing a suit and a black top hat with a black cain. He then turned towards the carriage and helped a small women out. The women was wearing a white dress with blue ribbons. Her brown hair in a braid across her forehead. She followed the man onto the large house in front of the carriage. He watched for a few more minutes. Then the carriage door opened and two girls and a boy stepped out. One of the girls was about my brothers age and the other was maybe a year younger than I. The boy (who couldn't have been older than my sister) had his nose in the air like he smelled sour milk or rotten eggs. They walked in the house and the door closed. I was about to go and knock when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see my brothers standing, shivering in the cold." Isaac, mother wants you home now." He turned. I picked up a ball of the white powder and threw it at him. It hit him in the back of the head. He turned. His face was burning. He picked up a ball of snow and threw it. It missed me by yards." Ha" I screamed at him. I ran. He ran after me. We ran all the way to our house. I burst in threw the dubble doors. My brother was on my tail. I ran around the dinning room and climbed up the stairs. I looked back laughing. It was a sight. He was wearing his best pants and a button down, long sleeved shirt with a loose tie. If father saw him, he would he would get a serious whipping. I turned and dodged a maid , who jumped back in fright. I was heading for a dead end so I took the risk of going in my sisters studio. I opened the door and slid on the smooth wood floor. "You'll never take me alive!" I yelled at him. He pounced on me and took my head in his arms and rubbed my head with his knuckles." Say it, say it little brother!" He screamed in my ears.
" ISAAC, GIDIAN, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" My brother dropped me, and stood." Nothing mother, I'll go back to my study's." He slumped off. My sister was looking at me with sorry in her eyes. She knew how much Gidian liked spending time with me."Why did you think you could just crash your sisters practices, go to your room boy!" I stuck my tongue and l left yelling on my way out" it's my birthday and my name is Isaac!"I ran up the stair case and slammed my door. Life was always hard for me. It was either" listen to Gidien, Isaac" or " listen to Marcie Isaac" I was sick of it, the only fun I ever have is every Tuesday and Thursday with Gidian and sometimes Marcie. My father came home an hour later and four minutes later was running up stairs to hit me and Gideon. The next day, Marcie and Gideon had study's and lessons. I was left outside, it was a dull Wednesday morning. Like the morning I was born the clouds were hidden behind the steamy gray smog, the snow on the ground was like frosting on the forest floor. It was around noon when I heard girls laughter and there soft foot steps. The dark Oakes trees stood like an army, protecting me from the intruders sight. I stood with my back to the trees and waited. While I stood, I thought of Gidian, locked inside while I waited for the girls to get closer and if he would do the same as me. Finally I heard the voices, they were just on the other side of the tree. I started to climb so they couldn't see me. Once fully concealed by the leaves, I looked down. There were two small, brown heads walking around my fortress. I was crawling all over the tree, when I slipped and fell I grabbed a branch soon was hanging inches over one of the girls. She looked about twelve and her sister ten, same as me. One of the girls had heard the branch give and looked up. She stared for a moment before falling on the forest frosting with giggles. I let go of the tree and landed on the ground with my feet with a squat and stood looking slightly down at the other girl who had her hand over her mouth to hide her symphony of laughter. She was obviously younger and less proper because she took her hand away from her mouth and pointed it at me. Then she fell, just like her sister, on the white, pillow like floor. They were throwing there legs up and down in laughter. Finally, the older girls giggles died and she stood, brushing her dress and looked down at me." Pardon my rudeness, but it was a little funny the way you popped from the leaves". She had a proper voice, like Gidian when he was studying and talking to mother and father. The little girl hopped up and glared at her sister," a little funny? It was down right hilarious!" She looked up at me then walked towards me." Clarissa! You can't say those things to a boy, it's not lady like and you don't even know him, get back over here now!" The younger of the two looked back at her sister" not lady like, you were just laughing on the ground! And if I ask his name, then I will know him." She turned back to me." What's your name?" She asked, in a sweeter tone than what she used on her sister. I smiled and said." I'm Isaac, you must be Clarissa, like your sister said." She looked at me with her green and blue eyes. She had slightly red lips and cheeks from the cold and the snow.her brown hair was down her back. Clarissa, we have to get back, mother wanted us back in an hour." The older sister walked closer to him self and the little girl. The small girl turned and started walking away, she turned back and waved, saying" when we moved here, I saw you in the trees watching us, bye Isaac!" She hollered back. I thought about those words all the way back home. Once I was at the door, it burst open to reveal mother with a frantic look on her face." There you are, you should have been home an hour ago dear, come up to your room to get ready." She grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stair case to my room. you must know that my mother has only called me dear twice, once when my fathers boss came for dinner and twice when the mayor came over to congratulate my sister for her performance the night before. See, my mother only called me dear when someone important was coming or was already at our house. She threw me in my room and told me to put on the new clothes laying on my bed. Once I was finished, I walked out the door and down the hallway towards my brothers room. I knocked and waited. I heard a scraping of foot steps and the tumblers of the lock rotating to then revival my brother. He smiled and invited me in. He looked around in the hallway before closing the oak door. His room was big, like my sisters, and consisted its own mini library. In our house, we had a dance studio, a library, the parrler, a five star kitchen, and my room was smaller then the coat closet. We were about a mile from the closest house and our front porch was overlooking a feald of auburn grain. He sat back down at his desk and continued writing a letter." I'll be done in two minuets." I sat down on his bed and swung my legs back and foreword and let my head fall from side to side. I finally realized what he was wearing, he was wearing the exact same clothes as me, typical mother, putting me and Gidian in the same thing. I sat starring at the floor. After about five minuets, I had picked up one of my brothers books and was reading to the sounds of my brothers quill scratching the table, when the door burst open and my sister ran through. Slamming the door behind her, she threw herself against the door, her chest heaving and her eyes closed. I looked away from her, and to my brother who was looking at her. He set his quill in the ink pot and stood, walking towards her. Once he was right in front of her, she opened her eyes to see his childish grin."Does someone have a grumpy face? "He started to laugh and she glared at him. Finally, she pushed him collapsed on the bed. My brother dropped the act and put his hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"
She pulled her head up and glared at him. "I'm fine,"she said in a low growl. He took his hand off her shoulder. "It's okay Marcie. "She looked down at me, frowned, bent down and kissed my head."Little brother, you just don't understand." My brother, who had just donned on him that he had a letter, walked back to his desk and sat, muttering about something, continuing his novel of a letter. My sister tilted her head to the side and walked over to him and looked over her shoulder. "Who's Penelope?" My brother signed his name at the bottom and rolled up the parchment. "None of your concern." He stood and walked over to his window and opened it. A pigeon flew onto the wooden purch and held out its leg." And even if it was, I would only tell you if I wanted to, and I don't." He sated this as he tied the note to the pigeons leg and took it in his hands and let it fly." Know, let's figure out your wedding plans." My sister frowned and growled a little in her mouth, then stood." Well we should got down stairs before mother finds out we're still up here." And with that we ran out of the room and as my sister walked down the stairs like she learned from mother , me and my brother hopped onto the stair railing and slid down the railing until we tumbled onto a lump on the ground." How are you the smart one, when you keep doing idiotic things?" We walked into the kitchen to find my mother harassing one of the maids that our guests were allergic to daffodils and that we needed tulips. She then slapped her across the face when the maid responded that there were fresh roses growing out in the garden." You stupid child! Those roses are for the outside garden, you just want to cut them and throw them in a vase! Go to the market and get tulips!" The maid ran out of the room with her head in her hands. My brother looked at her then stomped in to the room and approached my mother." How could you treat her like that, she gave you a brilliant idea and you just stomped on her!" My mother smiled and smoothed out his shirt." You shouldn't care about her, she's the help. Let's get you three ready for our guests tonight. First, Isaac, the Peterson's will knock in the door, the maids will open it and you will say..." She looked hopefully at me. I sighed and responded in a unenthusiastic voice" welcome to our home mr and mrs. Peterson." My mother dropped her head." You had better say it nicer tonight." She then turned to my brother who coughed and smiled." Thank you for joining us for this lovely occasion and welcome." Mother smiled and turned last to my sister. I was so short that when I stood next to my brother I was just above his hip and reached his elbow."thank you for coming, why don't we retreat back to the dining room and eat." My mother smiled and turned." We need you down by six, then well eat." She stood back up and turned back to start harassing a passing maid that she needed to stand by the door five minutes before our guests arrived. Of course when mother walked away, she had failed to inform her when they would be arriving, so for the next hour, she stood by the door, jumping at any sound outside of the door. At five minutes to six, we were in a line in front of the door. Mother was trying to scrub the imaginary dirt of my nose and my sister was leaning on my brother." Marcie, stop that, your ringlets will go flat, do you want the heir to the Peterson's fortune to see you with flat ringlets?" She stood up strait." No mother." Right after she said this, a booming knock came from the oak doors. Our maid jumped five feet in the air and opened the door with shaking hands. When the door opened, I could see a tall man with a slick black top hat and a dark mahogany cane walk in. His shoes were silent of the marble floor and his thick, French mustache had been trained to stay under his nose. The next person to walk in was a short, plump woman with a fan under her nose and her hair braided across her forehead and on the left side of her nose was a big, fat, black and hairy mole the size of my thumb nail. With the woman and the man standing next to each other, it reminded me of the circus, with its clowns. The woman was squeezed into a white and blue evening gown and the man was wearing a fitted suit with his tie perfectly in place and his waist coat perfectly buttoned. I thought of a book in my brothers library about a white rabbet in a waist coat and let out a giggle, which I concealed as a cough. Following the plump woman was a boy with his blonde hair the look of perfection. His head was healed high until he noticed my sister, then he dropped his head and starred at her. The last two figures to enter we're two girls with brown and gold hair. They were the girls I saw in the woods earlier. The youngest looked at me and jumped up and down" look Sophia, look! I the the boy from the trees, remember the one that maid you fall down laughing so hard that you kicked your feet up so high that he could have seen your petite coats, remember Sophia remember!" The youngest whispered so loud that everyone could hear it." You'll have to excuse my youngest, she can say the most inappropriate things sometimes." My mother smiled and said" quite alright, my youngest will do the most idiotic things sometimes." The man smiled." May I introduce my wife Margaret". The plump woman smiled and took my fathers hand so he could kiss it." My son Edward",he walked over to Marcie and took her hand to do the same as my father."And my two daughters, Clarissa and Sophia." My brother bowed his head and I smiled." This is my wife Greta, my daughter Marcie and my two sons Gidian and Isaac." My mother smiled."Know, why don't we retreat to the dining room for diner." The plump woman had a tiny bit if drool coming from her mouth responded absolutely. We walked it to the dining room where we found one maid to each chair. We sat and ate. Once we were done, father and the man went into the parlor for cigars and brandy and mother and the plump woman Margaret went to the other room to talk in privet. The boy Edward, walked over to Marcie and told her to meet him in a hour. I walked to our family room and sat down. The girl Clarissa ran in and jumped in the sofa next to me." What." I looked over and saw her starring." We're going to be siblings, I don't want to be siblings with you and neither dose my sister." I looked at her and pushed her away." Get off!" She fell on the ground and looked at me." What ever." After an hour, my sister found Edward and was talking to him when mother and Margaret shoved everyone in the room. Edward smiled and got on one knee with my sisters hands in his." Marcie westleton? Will you be my wife." My mother smiled and so did mrs Peterson. She looked from Edward to father to mother to me and Gidian. She looked back at Edward." Edward, even though you are the heir to the Peterson fortune, I am fourteen. Your answer is..." She was cut off by my mother." She says yes." Mother, mr and mrs Peterson and father cheered. Clarissa and Sophia cheered and Edward stood up and kissed her on the cheek. Marcie was standing there, frozen with the answer mother had said. Gidian and I hung out heads and went upstairs. I fell onto Guadiana bed and sighed. After we heard the Peterson's goodbyes, and the oak door close, Marcie walked into the room and sighed." I thought you didn't want to marry him?" I asked." She doesn't, mother decided for her." Gidian replied angrily, starring at Marcie." Why didn't you tell him afterwords that you didn't Walt to marry him, you had plenty of time to tell him no, why didn't you take to opportunity?" She hung her head and responded." I couldn't do that to him, he's the heir of the peterson fortune, and I don't know, he is cute, he's really sweet..."" But are you with his just for the Peterson fortune, and how much is the Peterson fortune." My sister looked up at him and yelled" Are you saying that I told mother to say yes for me, that I said nothing, wanted to say no just to have mother say yes for me, I don't want the sixtiefour billion dollars, I just want my brothers, I hate that mother said yes for me, it maid me look like a little girl who can't talk for her self!" She stormed out of the room. My brother was ferrous, he ran to the door and walked into the hallway to find his twin running into her room and slamming the door" DONT TURN INTO MARIE ANTOINETTE, YOU SELFISH LITTLE COW!" He turned and slammed the door behind her. He went to his desk and flipped it over. His books and papers went flying, his normally neat, perfect hair was everywhere on his head, some had fell into his eyes. I ran out of the room, down the stairs, out the front door and into the woods. I stopped for a moment to look for my direction, found it and flew down the dirt path. I had finally found my location and starred at it. It was a tree. A tree that me and my siblings have carved in. On the black bark was the
Inscription" Gidian, Marcie and Isaac, siblings for life." I starred at it and grabbed a sharp branch that had fallen from the tree and started scratching over the inscription, when I was done, the tree had a deep indent. All you could see were the light brown soon on the inside of the tree, and the single I. I stood in front of the tree, my chest heaving. I couldn't go game after that. Having to live with the twins who hated each other, Marcie would be leaving in six months to go to the Peterson's summer home for her and Edwards honeymoon. I walked around in a circle for an hour before I ran I the direction of Clarissa's house. I ran up the steps and opened the large heavy doors, and as quietly as I could, ran up the grand, marble stair way. I stopped at the top and looked around. Taking my chances on the first door to the left I opened it. I looked at a large pink canopie bed and a dark oak writing desk. The pink, frilly room was diserted, I dived under the bed when I herd the door knob grinding. It opened right as I had finished concealing myself under the bed skirt. I heard the high pitched voices of girls giggling and laughter. I snuck a peek to see Clarissa and Sophia's feet and bare legs hanging off the bed right in front of my face. I suppressed an urge to poke then and dropped the skirt. I could hear their muffled voice's" witch one was your favorite?"" The taller one, you?"" The one we found in the woods, you know the short, cute one." I giggled a little in my hiding spot as I heard this. They were talking about me and Gidian. After what felt like an hour, I got up the courage to roll out from under the bed. I stood and looked at the two girls laying on the bed laughing and kicking there legs in the air. The older one screamed and jumped under the covers, while the younger one stood and looked at me." We'll know, little boy..."(she was shorter than me)" why have you broken in to my room?" I satires at her and started crying. The older one looked at her sister be for getting out of the bed, realizing that I was a little boy, don't care what she looked like in her slip. I sat on the bed and she sat next to me, patting me on the shoulder." Are you alright little one?" I looked up at her and responded with a choking voice" my sister and brother are fighting about the marriage, that my sister only said yes yo get your money, but she said that it was a selfish thing my brother said and that mother said yes for her. I just stood there as my sister left to her room and my brother threw his desk across the room. I have no one so I hid under the bed until you fell asleep so I wouldn't have to sleep alone because mother and father don't let us sleep with them and my brother and sister are mad, so her I am." I brought my hands to my eyes and started sobbing again. The two girls looked at each other." Tell you what, you can come every night and sleep with me, if you stay with your family during the day, I'll keep my window unlocked so you can climb it and sleep ok." I looked at the younger sister and nodded, hugging her after. I stood and walked towards the door." What are you doing, it's night isn't it." I looked at her." Don't you need to change?" She smiled and punched me in the arm." You are what...ten? I'm ten, I'll change in the closet." She skipped over to it and opened it, disappearing behind the door. I looked over to her sister." Are you ok with this?" She smiled and answered" ok, she doesn't make friends, you are her best friend, she doesn't let any one in her bed, not even when she had nightmares, she hates having people in her room in general, you my friend, are special to her." She came out in a pink night gown and hopped in her huge bed and made a spot for me. I took my jacket off and kicked off my shoes, walked over to the bed and climbed in. She threw the covers over us and told her sister to leave. After the door closed, she blew out the candle next to her bed and turned over to face me." How long do you want me so stay with you?" She thought for a moment then responded with" forever." She closed her eyes and the steady breathing of her sleep stole me and I drifted off with our hand connected.

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