Chapter twenty-four

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**Ross's P.O.V**

I am so totally undeniably and utterly fucked.

"Annie!" Laura gasped shoving me away from her and standing up straight.

"What the hell Rossy?!? I come in here to freshen up from our date which you ditched, and I see you kissing this...this prostitute!" Annie spat harshly in Laura's direction.

"Hey! She is not a prostitute!" I defended Laura.

"Doesn't matter! She's a slut too!" Annie raved.

"Shut the hell up Annie! If anyone is a slut then it's you!" I roared.

Laura just stood frightened and hurt leaning by the sink.

"Why are you defending her Rossy? She ruined you, this isn't who you are." Annie said quietly.

"Your right," I started,

"Really!?" Annie chirped brightening.

"I'm better now, she made me better. You guys are the ones that ruined me, not her." I glared at Annie grabbing Laura's hand. She looked up into my eyes with a sympathetic glance.

"Oh and now you guys are dating? You are dead to me Rossy! Dead to all of us!" Annie half screamed half cried storming out of the bathroom.

"Ross," Laura sucked in a shaky breath, "I-"

I cut her off with a light kiss on the lips, "I need some air Laur." I turned and quickly left the bathroom, leaving her dumb founded in the middle.

The minute I turned the corner, I ran straight into somebody, "Hey! Watch where you-"

Eddie cut me off with a punch in the gut, "You and Laura have a thing now?! Because that's what Annie told me!" Another swing at me which I dodged as I clutched my gut in pain, "I guess this is payback huh Shor? I sleep with your sissy and you steal my girlfriend? If that's how you wanna play then fine, but know this," Eddie leaned in towards to me laying on the ground, "I've got more shit on you than they have laying around in the pacific ocean, so watch your back Shor." He gave me one harsh kick in the side, then turned and left.

"Ahh! Damn it!" I groaned out in pain.

"Ross!?" Laura came rushing out of the bathroom to see me laying on the floor clutching my side.

"Great, now you come out." I groan sarcastically.

"Oh my god! What happened!?" Laura kneeled down beside me helping to sit me up.

"Your so called boyfriend happened." I groaned clutching my sides as I sat up.

"Eddie did this?!" She gasped.

"No shit." I ruffled my hair.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Laura slowly helped me stand up.

"I can do it on my own." I quickly stood up, but regretted it after the pain sunk in. I wavered, almost falling over again before Laura caught my arm.

"Seriously Ross, give me your keys, I'm taking you back to the dorms." She held out her hand and I panicked.

"No! We can't go to the dorms, I don't want Rydel to see me like this, she might tell my mom." I said quickly.

"Fine mommas boy, I'll just call Rydel and make sure she isn't home yet, she's supposed to be out with Ellington anyway." She pulled my phone out and dialed Rydel.

"Yeah hey, are you still out with Ellington?... Okay cool, I just wanted to bring Eddie back, and I didn't want it to be awkward... Okay thanks," She hung up the phone and looked at me, "she's going to be spending the night at Ellington's room."

"Okay, but did you really have to say that Eddie was going to be over? We already established that he's a bad guy." I said pleading Laura.

"Yeah I know, and also Eddie isn't coming over, you are. You idiot," She smiled grabbing my arm lightly to take me to the car.


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