moving day

8 0 0

I love you
But I can't stay
Can you come by today?
I gotta go away
Please don't go
I have to go live my life
I don't want you to go
Then come with me
But I have to stay
And I gotta go away
Luke please
I already told you no
But I need you with me
But you never tried
And you try too much
And that's why I gotta go away
Tell him I said hi and this is, this is-
I love you, I'll leave him to be with you
Why won't-
I cant-
I love you
No you don't, because I never satisfied you and as much as I want to, I can't stay with you anymore
Why do you have to go?
Because there's nothing here for me anymore
I gotta go
Do you have to?
But what about us
You killed us
I said I wanted you, but you never wanted me, you had others and made me your side piece
And now right when I leave, you want me to stay but do you know that I moved on, I got about waiting for me. And now I gotta say, I gotta say
Please don't say it-

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