dying my hair

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mega's POV

I wanted to dye my hair but what color maby zelk's favorite color well then I will have to dye it orange im just going to dye the tip of my hair I bet that will make zelk like me "im going out to buy some hair dye" "your dyeing your hair" yeah you have a problem" no it's just what color are you doing I want it to be good so you don't ruin your pretty hair" did zelk just say pretty I thought " it's going to be a surprise so you will have to wait brb" okay be safe mega ily" did he say ily I bet he ment in a friend way I thought I got in my car and drove to the store I go to see if there is any dye for orange and there was one bottle left I grab it and go check out it was 20. Dollars for hair dye since my hair is brown I will have to bleach it which im fine with I drive back home to see zelk sleeping on the sofa I blush he is so cute when he sleeps I go into the bathroom and start to dye my hair

a couple hours later I could not sleep that night I checked my phone and saw it was 6 am what if zelk hates the color ugh my did I do orange I hear footsteps go and they kept getting closer I was scared since zelk did not wake up at 6am I go into the bathroom and crawl into a ball and cry on the floor I hear my bedroom door open then they open the bathroom door it was zelk "mega are you okay why are you cry" he walked towards me and hugged me on the floor he made me fell safe he always did zelk looked ar my hair "aww your hair is cute" t-thanks" why did you dye it orange" because I wanted to" orange is my favorite color btw so I love your hair" I laughed " also tell my you where crying" well I heard footsteps and I knew you don't wake up at 6am so I thought someone broke in and I was scared" it's okay im not a robber" he said laughing a little " I now your not it just remembered me of something that happened in my childhood" you want to talk about it" I shook me head no "okay take your time I won't rush you how about me go eat" o-okay"

Sorry this is short I have to go to bed soon and I wanted to do something but tomorrow is Friday so I have school off and btw the days go by so fast for me idk why but I don't want to go to bed and I lost my remote TWT

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