Train blind

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Angelina pov

Standing at the train station with my two sisters, Lauren my older sister (16) and my twin sister Molly (14). Once the train came all you can see was silver and yellow zooming pass.

Once we got on the train, it took off. Lauren said "Angelina look out the window." So I did, I can see was green from the trees that I can't quite see and also the stretched out clouds.

Someone jumped out in front of a train, earlier that day. I was thinking about how much it would hurt, I would imagine it like a hundred houses on metal wheels.

But why would you jump out in front of a train?? Is it because so can get all the attention? Is it because your life just sucks? Or is it because you hate the way you look or feel?

It could be all these things and more.

I don't know about bad life and hating myself, but what i would do is to think about their is a bright side to it and knowing that you can make things better. I just hope it is that simple when that comes round to me if it ever will.

All of a sudden when I saw Molly's dark blue eyes, the train crashed on to another train. Some how we all survived. Then it set on fire.

What will happen next, find out on next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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