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Just a little hint this story will contain anime and manga characters...mostly manga though...enjoy!

"Who wants to go to the best pokemon highschool in the world? And that's not just an opinion!" Trainers were gathering in the park to watch the video on the flat screen Pokenav Timlue. (A big tv-like pokenav)

"Awesome!" "Sweet" all the teens were screaming it aloud about how they wanted to get in.

I'm already in...Silver thought to himself. Gold jumped on his friends back and yelled "We gonna get iiiiiiiiiiin!!!" how drunk am I right now?! Gold thought to himself.

"You had a beer?"

"What" Gold burped "What of it?"

" not gonna kiss you with beer lips unless I have beer lips! So wait 5 years!" Crystal butted in.

"Gold..." Gold looked like he was about to barf. "Puke and I kick your...groin!"

He puked as he muttered "Don't care..."he barfed again "At least I have a pair!"

Silver didn't kick his Crystal did.
"Yeah a pair of broken ones!"

He fell to the ground as Silver laughed his butt off!

Peral, Diamond, and Platinum walked up.

"Wazzup?!?" Diamond was drinking too.

Silver fell on the ground and started dying of laughter as Gold and Diamond started making out on the ground under the influence of alcohol.
The funny thing is He said to himself they are both boys!!!

Crystal killed him three seconds later but he didn't care. He continued to die of laughter.

Soon everyone went home awaiting the school tryouts tomorrow.

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