Chapter 1

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(The beginning of the story takes place between the All Might vs AOF fight and the dorm moving arc. So Izuku hasn't moved yet because this idea of dorms hasn't quite yet been introduced. Just an FYI.)

Izuku's breaths are harsh as he falls to his knees, panting as he tries to calm his pounding heart from feeling like it will explode from his chest. Sweat dripped off him and onto the concrete path that led to the beach. All Might, who was well ahead, stopped his steady pace to trail behind with his student who was training to build up his strength for One for All but, it wasn't going as well as either of them would like. Izuku felt pressured to progress faster then his body can handle. "Ha...ha," Izuku wheezed, looking up to All Might, who had eventually made it towards him. "A-All Might, I think I should take a break, my legs -or whole body, really- feel incredibly sore and overexerted. I've made good progress today, yeah?" Izuku woefully assumed.

All Might gave a disheartened sigh and looked off to the distant beach. "Young Midoriya, this isn't nearly enough training to prepare for the villains we will face. Time and time again, you've barely made it out of fights alive. You need to train your harder, push past your limits! You need to be better then you are now if you want to be a hero!" his mentor exclaimed.

Izuku felt his heart pang that his idol didn't think he was strong enough yet. "W-well, I understand that I'm not as strong as I could be, but I've done what I can, right...? I've pushed myself tons but, everyone needs breaks now and then...right?" The greenette proposed trusting that All Might agreed with him.

"I..." All Might stalls for a moment, gazing down at his successor. He casts his eyes away. "At this rate, I highly doubt you've done enough... You can hardly save yourself most of the time." He takes a breath. "You can't become a hero like this... you need to be strong. To be better... And I'm beginning to have doubts on whether you'll achieve that in time..." He declares, evading the broken-hearted gaze of Izuku, who feels like he's disappointed the person he's looked up to.

In a desperate effort to change his mentor's mind, Izuku struggles to get back up on his feet but, his legs collapsed like jello beneath him and, unfortunately, slumps back down. "A-All Might, p-please believe in me! I can do it, I can!" Izuku grips his shirt with his eyes welling up in tears. "I-I can be the hero you want me to be!" He pleads.

All Might watched his frantic attempts to restore himself in the eyes of his hero, it falls on blind eyes. "We'll discuss this another day, Young Midoriya... You should get home now. I'm sure your mother has dinner ready for you." and like that, he left Izuku to be a sobbing mess on the sidewalk.

Everything occurred so suddenly that Izuku's brain didn't have time to process all that just played out before him. His sobs became so panicked that he began gasping for air from too much air intake. Leaning against the cold bars the lined the sidewalk, Izuku takes deep breaths to try and calm himself, and it took some time but, he managed to get steady breaths. He felt his chest hurt from the crying and training, but mostly from the heartbreak that All Might no longer believe he was the right person to be the successor of OFA. His head pounding from everything being simultaneously too quiet and intense for him, Izuku pursued his way home sluggishly, his eyes and face devoided of emotion. Arriving home, his mother, Inko, lovingly welcomed him at the door but, Izuku just supplied a silent 'hello' and strolled past her to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Inko stared dejectedly in his direction, uncertain if she should talk with him or leave him in peace for now.

She decided to leave him alone, seeing as he didn't seem up to conversation and returns to cooking dinner.

Meanwhile, Izuku falls on his bed, hugging his pillow as he cried into it. His body throbbed from the sobs, yet he couldn't seem to stop, couldn't believe all that transpired today. It seemed too abrupt.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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