The Beginning

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3rd POV:

Luke was scribbling down some notes when he heard a click. He darted his head up from his paper to see a girl standing in front of him, holding textbooks. Well… she wasn't really standing IN FRONT of him, but she WAS standing by the door which was NEAR him.

Luke's POV:

I felt my mouth start to hang open a bit. Standing by the door, was a girl. I was pretty sure I'd never seen her before. She wore a white and blue hat with the letter 'D' on the front, a hot pink tank top, bleached and ripped jeans, pink Chuck Taylors and was holding her textbooks and her laptop case. Let me just say this, she was hot… er… cute. She had golden eyes that reminded me of wolves, and olive skin.

"Ah, you're the new student?" The teacher, Mr. Everett, asked.

He was our Pre-Calculus, and was studying to be a history teacher at some college nearby. She nodded slowly. She seemed kind of nervous, then again, I'd be nervous too, if I were standing at the front of a class and everyone was looking at me. I turned my head and took a glance around the room… never mind, only Nick and I were looking. Well, at least I wasn't alone. Right?

"Well, Clementine. You can take a seat right there."

Clementine. Her name was Clementine, Clementine I repeated in my mind. I'd have to remember to talk to her later. I didn't even notice where Mr. Everett pointed, until she sat down at the desk next to me. I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see Nick looking up, and a crumpled piece of paper at my shoes. I glared at him and he mouthed the word 'Sorry'.

I picked up the paper and slowly uncrumpled it. It read "Do you like her? Y or N''

I mouthed 'You're so childish' and crumpled it back up before throwing it back to him.

"Ahem!" I heard someone clear their throat. I nervously turned back to see Mr. Everett giving me the death glare. I swallowed hard.

"Can you solve the problem on the board, Luke?" He asked, in the tone he usually used to embarrass people who haven't been paying attention.

I nodded slowly before reluctantly sliding out from my chair and scuffing my feet to the board. I turned and looked behind me, Nick seemed almost amused but the rest of the class was expressionless.

I turned back seeing a problem I had half, to no idea how to do. I looked down at my notes and tried doing what I could…I'm gonna get this wrong as hell. I scuffed back to my desk while hanging my head low as a few chuckles and giggles surrounded me.

"I'm sorry Luke, that's incorrect." He said before the room broke out in laughter.

No shit. I thought as I stared down at my hands. I sighed as the laughter continued and turned my head to see that same girl, Clementine. She was frowning and staring directly at me. I don't know why but she almost kind of made me feel worse, just by being here to witness my dumbassery.

I felt my face heat up as I looked back down at my hands, and as if an angel was watching over me, the bell rang.

A/N: Okay, so this chapter was a little short, and you may have noticed I kind of stole it out of the College Lyfe fic, from, however, seeing as I'm also the writer of 'College Lyfe' I thought it'd be okay for me to do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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