Chapter 2

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It was late afternoon I think by the time I awaken, it’s hard to tell when the sky is always the same smoky gray color.  At first I was confused as to where I am, but one quick look around brought me back to speed.  I feel a twinge in the back of my eyes remembering Mom.  Angry, I rid myself of these pointless thoughts, I feel the rope that they tied my arms with.

 It is just lose enough for me to turn a little.  Shifting my body carefully so I don’t disturb Danny as I turn my body to gaze at the knots.  I tried to remember what my mom told me about knots, how not to pull on them until your certain how to get out, how to follow the rope with your eyes to figure out where it binds and were it is lose.  Staring at it, willing it to give away its secrets.  I notice a slight looseness, I carefully shift my arms so that I press against it, I am rewarded with the rope loosening enough that I am able to yank my arms out.

                Satisfied with the use of my arms for now I look at our surroundings.  Shocked I see that we aren’t headed deeper into the mountains like I thought we would, instead we are headed towards the city.  I sit up a little careful to ease Danny off of me and look around more.

  We are just passing the dented tower.  I don’t know what it’s actually called, but when I was six Mom and dad took me out here.  It’s one of the few things I remember about my dad, he told me to never, ever go passed this.  Then he told me a story, a story where giants would use these to light buildings in fire.  There were kings could rule worlds and not be satisfied with the power. He said that there were people with enough money to save the world but the places they lived were owed lots of money.  He said people could go anywhere and but were never satisfied.  He said that there were billions of people. 

He told the towers marked the end of Our world, that beyond the towers was a land were there the giants still lived.  He told me that Our world was harsh, but it was safe.  He said that there were more monsters too, monsters who worked for the giants, ghosts and witches and enchanters.  I shiver as we pass it, we are entering the world of monsters. 

                I curl back against the edge of the carriage happy for its slight protection.  I just listen to the sound of the road.  We travel for hours, we pass sixteen dented towers, and at the seventeenth we stop.  The sudden lack off movement of slightly disorienting after traveling for so long.  The change brings me back to alertness.

“Come on lumps” calls the leader “I know you untied your bounds, know untie your brother and get down here.”  Frightened, I bend down and shake Danny awake, and lead him over to the leader.  As expected we are then held by the goons.  “Into the tower” Leader calls.  Fear bites into my heart stronger than ever, these must be enchanters taking us into their lair.  Inside they will likely eat us, or torcher us, or worse.

I fight against the one holding me, I scream and kick and bite and claw.  He does nothing but grunt and lift me off the ground.  I scream louder, then I go limp act defeated, but then I grab the blade from my shoe.  I squirm in his hands and thrust the blade into his chest.  He releases me, too shocked to hold onto me, I scamper back a few steps, then plunge the blade into his heart over and over.  I don’t care if he’s already dead, he killed my Mom, destroyed my home, he is an enchanter, he is a monster.

“Bravo, bravo, very good little one” Leader says as he walks over, he is clearly unintimidated by the fact that I killed his assistant.  He frowns a little as he gets closer, he doesn’t look sad, more like disappointed.  “I was so hoping for a better fight” he says with a sigh, then grabs me and yanks the blade from my hand and binds me with something cold and unyielding.   

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