Dear Ex

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I looked outside the window. It's winter time again. Time really flies so fast. Leaves are totally gone, snowflakes from the clouds start to fall on the ground, kids on sleigh rides, the aroma of hot chocolates and me... it's my most favourite season of the year. Some say it's depressing; others say it's a holiday thing. I say, it's my happy pill. I love to see snow everywhere. I love to smell freshly baked smores. I like the scent of pine trees and children playing in a snow covered field. I wonder where I would be if things had not happened.

A soft knock cut me off. "Ms. Jen?"

"Come in!" I said softly from inside.

A young petite girl came in. "We're ready in 15mins".

"Thank you. I'll be there." I replied with a smile. That smile that comes from the heart. A smile that has been with me since I met him.

I finished the last few sentences on the paragraph that I'm writing. Im satisified with what I have written. I folded the paper, put it inside my pocket and got ready.


"Heeeeyyy!!! Give it back to me!" I screamed at this big, fat boy who took my toque away. I am starting to cry in the hallway. "Give it back!!!"

"No way!" said the boy who I assumed is older than me. He played with my toque as if it was a soccer ball before throwing it in the garbage. This made me violent. I pushed him hard and he lost his balance. He fell to the ground, stood up and was about to punch me in the face. I closed my eyes and covered my head.

"Don't you dare!" screamed a boy from the middle of the crowd. A lot of kids has formed a circle between me, the fat bully and this little boy. "Go get her toque from the garbage." He commanded the bully.

"What if I dont?!" teased the bully. "Who are you, by the way? Are you her super hero?!

The little boy walked towards the bully. "Get her toque from the garbage and give it back to her," he said to the bully's face in gritted teeth. He was not tall enough to face the bully. He was merely an inch lower from the bully's shoulder but he was the bravest amongst the other boys in the crowd.

I was still crying when he leaned over to me. "Stop crying," he hissed. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and stared at him. "We're going to get your toque back."

He returned his gaze to the bully. "On the count of 3... the toque in the garbage?! 1...2..." he counted.

Suddenly, the bully aimed his fist on the little boy's face. But the little boy grabbed his fist just right on time and twisted his arm. The bully shouted in pain. "I told you to get the toque in the garbage and return it to the girl! Do you understand or you wanted more of this?" Then again, he made another twist of the bully's arm which made the bully ran towards the garbage, picked up the toque, threw it to me and ran away from the crowd crying.

Everybody shouted and clapped their hands. The little boy looked at me and said "You can keep your toque."

I smiled back. "Thank you. If it werent for you, I wouldnt have this back."

The crowd has dispersed. We were left standing in the hallway of the school. It was snowing heavily outside. A snow storm was about to fall in the night time but heavy snow has already made the area zero visibility.

"Are you new here?" he asked.

"Yeah, Im a transferee. Im Jenny Salcedo but you can call me Jen."

He extended his hand for a handshake. "Nice meeting you, Jen. Im Miguel Sandoval. Migs."

I took his hand. It was cold. "Hey," I blushed the instant our hands gripped for a handshake. There was some sort of electrical current that pass through our fingers which I cannot explain.

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