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"I beg you to take some time off from your freakin phone." Joohee took a sip on her drink as she eyed her bestie who was sitting across her with her phone. With Byul not giving any respond at all, Joohee flicked her forehead. "Ack!" Byul held her forehead. "Yah! What is that for?" Already glaring, Joohee gave Byul a sarcastic smile. Gave up on Byul, Joohee took out her laptop and spend her time on twitter.

Byul started joining a roleplay about a month ago when she fell for the character of 'Cha Se Ri' in SKY CASTLE. Hoped to have someone roleplay as Seri's twin brother Kijoon and Seojun, she played quite a role in promoting SKY CASTLE in the roleplay. The moment someone joined as Kijoon, she was delighted, as if her hard work finally paid off. Who knew the more the two of them chatted, they found the same interest of liking Astro's music style.

SeRi : I can't believe you're an Aroha too!!
KiJoon : Neither do I. XD XD
SeRi : In fact I've been with them since the start! Watching them from to be continued, to them debuting, i'm basically adopted 6 babies in my life the moment I started stanning them.
KiJoon : Well well, I thought people only started to look for Astro recently. I didn't know there's someone like you who started liking us from the start!

STAR_ is typing....

KiJoon : I mean liking 'Astro' from the start. lol i roleplayed as Jinjin in Roleplay Republic so kind of confused with my identity for one sec /inserted awkward emoji/
SeRi : HAHAHA!! I was lost when you said 'us' XD It's okay, you will forever be my fav brother of all heh.
KiJoon : I apologize.

"HAHAHA!" Byul laughed. Joohee looked up to see her insane friend who basically addicted to phone laughing so hard. "Are you...oka- oh well, you're weird, so there's no need to reply." Joohee once again gave up on listening Byul's explaination. "No no it just that this guy over here confused his identity as Astro member when he's roleplaying as Kijoon." Byul explained, even though Joohee said it's okay, but that just who Byul is, one weird annoying yet quite unique type of girl. Joohee arched a brow, "How did you know that roleplayer is a 'He'?"

"Hmm? He simply roleplayed as Kijoon, so...doesn't that make him a HE?" Byul blinked. Joohee facepalmed herself. Only shook her head at the sight of her innocent friend as she packed her things up. "Are you going already?" Byul finally paying attention to her one and only childhood friend who sat across her for like almost an hour but less conversation given to one another. 

"Well, I'm going for my part time already, anyway, someone roleplaying as a guy doesn't make that person a guy in real life. That Kijoon might just be a girl in real life, you'll never know." Took her drink, patted Byul's head and made her way out from the cafe, leaving Byul alone.

Byul nodded at the word of Joohee but oh well, she knew that she roleplayed only for fun, whether that Kijoon a guy in real life or a girl, it didnt matter to her.
But as time passed by, instead of only wanting to roleplay with that Kijoon person, she felt like as if she wanted to know that person more.

It had been almost 5 months they chat. From waking early in the morning to staying up late together, sharing what they did for the day to one another, deep talks and more. They basically became close, not as SeRi and KiJoon, but more like as STAR_ and ast_noname.

KJ : Seriiii
KJ : Seri?
KJ : Seen!
KJ : Hi Seriiii
KJ : Helloo?
KJ : Seri.
KJ : Cha Seri.
KJ : Eh? I thought you're online........

SR is typing...

SR : Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Kijoon! I was just helping my friend. She got injured from chasing a guy.
KJ : Oh wow. That guy must be a jerk.
SR : Well, I agree! But my friend just wouldn't listen to me and went after the guy like, I GOT FRUSTRATED!!!
SR : Anyway, what's the occasion?
KJ : Oh about earlier
KJ : Before that, I need your permission first.
SR : Omgee what is this asking for permission thingy.
SR : Okay what is it?
KJ : Well, I need your permission in me asking you a personal question.
KJ : Not character based question, not roleplay based question.
SR : You mean like out of character type of question?
KJ : Yes.
SR : Okayy, go ahead!

Roleplay ft Astro's JinjinWhere stories live. Discover now