Chapter 1

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Present Time


It wasn't that long after I found out when I finally ran away. No one wanted me anyway. Not even my own my mom. Some how I knew all along deep inside me but I just didn't want to admit it. Mom gave me up. She didn't love me and she never has. Back at that stupid foster home, my friend, David, and I were playing tag when we stumbled in a room that we weren't supposed to see.


"Tag." David said as he playfully pushed my shoulder. He would always find something to do no matter what the circumstances. We could be in a room with absolutely nothing in it and he would find someting to. I rolled my eyes at his playful gesture as I dashed towards him, trying to keep up with his speed.

Of course it wasn't long until Maggie, our cranky foster mom, yelled at us to stop. It wasn't like there was anything that we could break that would be worth missing. All she wanted to do was sleep, forcing the rest of us to fend for ourselves when it came to stuff like food, getting hurt, or having some place to sleep in the cramped house. You wouldn't even know she was here if it wasn't for the fact she would always yell at us to shut up so she can fall back to sleep. I don't know if she even has job.

Since we weren't allowed to play tag, me and David decided to explore the house even though there isn't much to explore. The house is so tiny. It didn't take long for me to stumble upon a locked door.

"What's in there?" said a curious David, looking over my shoulder.

"Well if I knew that I wouldn't be trying to open door,"I snapped, my tone annoyed. "I need to pick the lock."

"Then do it."

I glared at him before looking back at the lock. David is like a brother to me and I love him to death but sometimes I just wanted to slap him in the back of the head. And most of those times, like now, I do.

I pulled a paperclip out of my pocket and carefully worked with the lock. "Got it," I say, feeling slightly victorious I doing so.

"Less than 5 seconds. Nice, that's a new record," David said, walking into the room before I tell him to hush up. "Maggie is still asleep. We don't want to wake her up again." Even though I hate Maggie, I don't want to end being taken to a new foster home and being separated from David, he's like a brother to me. By the way he doesn't hesitate to listen to me, I know he feels the same.

The room we walk into seems to be an office type room. "Maggie's office," David says exactly what I'm thinking. "We are soooooo dead."

"Not if she doesn't know we were in here now let's check it out," I say eagerly exploring the place. Little did I know that I would regret those words for three years...

I bite back the memory. The day my eyes were open to the horrid truth. That day I was able to see things in a different light never to turn back to my obliviously innocent self.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the of my apartment. I open the door in order to be greeted by my best friend Kelsie. "Hey you little terd. Haven't been to your place in a while," she said, inviting herself in.

"Yeah two days. How long is that in those dog years of yours? A week?" I retort back. She glared at me while walking towards the kitchen. "Ha ha. Very funny. Now what food do you have?" I walk in towards her to see her head hidden in my refrigerator.

"Whatever is in the fridge or the pantry is all I got," I say, eyeing her with an amused grin when she hits her head on the upper shelf. "So are we going to talk about the plan?"

"What plan?" Kelsie ask as if she doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.

"The one that Jason came up with. Remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Kelsie chirped. You know, a lot of times I question her intelligence just a little bit.

For a while, me, Kelsie and the group have been doing petty crimes like fraud, cons and thievery. Making money anyway we could. This job could make it so we wouldn't hae to worry about that for a long time.

Kelsie's brow forrowed in thought."So how are we going to rob this bank?"


So these are the two chapters I have so far. I really hope you enjoy this book reading it as much as I'll enjoy writing it. I think you for reading and please vote, comment or fan pweeaase!! :)

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