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Louis took his first step inside the academy, looking around in wonder. The last time he had been here, he had been so anxious and rushed that he didn't have time to notice his surroundings and admire the piece of art that was the academy.

The foyer was grand, but humble. Modern, but ancient. It was sophisticated, but at the same time simple. Tall marble pillars reached up from the ground, forming an intimidating presence. Intricate patterns decorated the floor, filling it with all types of swirls, lines, and shapes. Everything was a warm color of varying shades of brown and grey. On either side of him was a statue, Louis supposed one of them was a maiden, and the other one was a knight, but had no idea what they were meant to represent. Staircase after staircase wound it's way up to high balconies, with golden railings and low hung lights.

It was posh, yes, and that in itself was already a turnoff for Louis, as he had been taught to "eat the rich". Growing up in a small and insignificant town in South Yorkshire, his family had wanted nothing to do with the stuck up snobs in London. Yet, here he was, looking at ancient paintings that had probably cost millions of pounds.

Except, there was something different about it. Something that didn't make Louis despise the place already. Something that made his insides tingle with warmth and comfort. He didn't know why, but 12 year old Louis felt safe and protected in the academy.

Slowly carrying his luggage up the stairs (he didn't take the elevator as he wanted to see as much as he could of the academy), he was astounded by how many rooms, corridors, and halls there were. Louis swore it was a maze that was trying to get him to never find the way out, so he would be forever stuck turning around the same corners and doors, going around in circles and circles and never be able to find the way out.

Louis sighed. The luggage he was still carrying in his hands were becoming increasingly heavy, nearly too much for his fragile arms to lift up. He made the decision that he would drop his things off in his dorm, then continue on his adventure exploring all the nooks and crannies of this school.

Dorms. Louis had spent months wondering who his dorm mate could possibly be. He vowed not to act friendly with them, as they were most likely competition that he would have to defeat to climb to the top of the rankings. Getting friendly was dangerous. He knew that feelings could get in the way of anything, maybe even persuade him to go easy on them, sacrifice his rightful position as the best violinist in the entire academy for some stupid friendship!

Stupid feelings.

He had left his real friends back home, in Donny. He had promised Stan that nobody would ever replace him as his role of Louis's bestest friend. He had also promised the football team that he wouldn't make new friends here. It was one of his rules that he had in a mental list in his head, which all related to one most important point - no distractions.

Louis made his way to the elevator, which was luckily not some creaky old thing, but rather a quite modern looking, and more importantly, safe looking elevator. He peeked in his bag and looked at the dorm number. Dorm 317, on the 15th floor. He had no idea where that was, but he was certain he would eventually find it.

Louis arrived on the 15th floor, with some of the excitement from the morning already died down. He looked around all the different corridors, and then read the sign that said dorms 310 - 320, and decided to take off that way.

Eventually, he came face to face with a plain door. Being young and used to customizing everything that he owned, he felt very unsatisfied that it looked exactly the same as all the other doors down the hall. But whatever. He would have plenty of time to make sure everything was just to his liking. Right now, he was ready to claim what was his.

Forbidden melodies || l.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang