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After Achlys left Luke decided he needed to pay a visit to his friends up top.

"Mike where's Ashton?" Luke asked once he arrived. Michael made no such eye contact and nodded his head over towards Ashton's office area.

"Luke? What's up man aren't you supposed to be down.. There?" Ashton greeted his friend.

"Just wanted to check up on you." Luke shrugged. "Okay.." Ashton said dragging the last syllable. After an awkward silence Luke stepped in front of Ashton as he stood up.

"Sammy Irwin, Achlys Irwin and Ashton Irwin." That's all Luke had to say to get Ashton's attention. Ashton's eyes watered up but Luke saw him blink away the tears.

"Ashton you could've told me man. It's okay." Luke brought him into a hug and let Ashton sob into his black jean jacket. They both stood there for a while then separated.

"Forget it man. You already know and it's okay, but I just miss her." Ashton shrugged not making eye contact with his friend.

"You gotta see her man. Sammy and Achlys.. Even her mom. She's a wreck without you.. They all miss you so much."

"Luke. I can't just come back from the dead. You know that, and you know how much it sucks to have to erase their minds afterwards."

"Ashton.. Maybe it's for the best if they see you, your wife or ex wife? I dunno.. But she needs to see you Ashton. She needs a slap in the face back into reality."

"And seeing her dead husband is a slap back into reality?" Luke was only quite and Ashton shook his head.

"Just, think about it. Because Achlys knows about angels now and she's probably going to ask about you sooner or later." Luke walked towards the door, but soon turned around, "At least visit your wife in a dream or something because she needs something to bring her back into reality."

"Don't talk about her like that! Rey is a great woman! Don't talk about my family like they're dysfunctional!" Ashton shouted.

"I know your wife is great and so are your kids! But don't act like their lives aren't a mess Ashton. I'm just trying to help fix everything. And not only because it's my job, but because I care, because I know what it's like." Luke was drained at this point and didn't want to speak to anyone anymore, so he walked out, but right before he could he heard his friend faintly speak, "I'm just scared."

"You and me both man."

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