Chapter 6

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What was the one thing Aladdin was always taught growing up?

Don't trust anyone but yourself.

And what did he do? He went and followed a complete stranger, claiming to be his long-lost father, into the middle of the desert.

And now he was paying for it.

In his defense, his father could technically be called his own, but he was starting to have his regrets now that he was stuck at the bottom of a cave with no way out.
Whether Mustapha was really his father or not, Aladdin didn't know. And he didn't care.

Why should he? If Mustapha was his father, why did he send him down the cave? All he did was seal it off behind Aladdin, cackling with the madness burning in his eyes.

After sulking for a while, his stomach began to rumble. Usually he would go steal whatever he needed and hope the street patrols wouldn't see him, but he had no such luck here.

All of a sudden, he heard a rustling behind one of the rocks that was scattered around. The pitch darkness made the sound echo through the cave. Aladdin crept towards it with a thief's skill, prepared for the worst, when he peeked his eyes over the rocks.

It was a small, hopeless little creature, it's once-lucious furr now knotted and dark, and its small teeth blunt and yellow.

With a breath of relief, Aladdin reached to pick it up. But in his arms, it made such an ear-piercing screech that he dropped it again, and then the little, innocent fluffball began its attack.

Its teeth grew sharper, and sunk into Aladdin's arm. Crying out in pain, Aladdin attempted to shake it off, but the thing just wouldn't get off.

Cursing internally, Aladdin desperately ran around in the darkness, and tripped over a crack in the ground.

A crack?

It seemed quite deep, so it should work.

With a pained smile of an idea, Aladdin shoved the creature's head down the crack, and then used his foot to force it down.

To spare any details, Aladdin got rid of it at the cost of a large gash down his arm.

Panting, he walked a little way away, clutching his arm tenderly, and sat down ready to pass out...


A/N: Hehe... it's been almost a month  and I'm sorry.

I just haven't been feeling motivated to write, so I might shorten the length on my chapters to something like this.
This will mean, however, that you'll be getting better quality chapters, so... win-win?

Anyway, that's all.
Cheese, out!

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