Chapter 1.5

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Creation of the first Vampire family. The Kim's.

The Kim's started out as any other normal family. A wife and Husband. Soon the wife got pregnant and the both of them were estatic! However there was a witch that hated both of them and how happy they were. In turn she cursed them to be the worst things on the planet. A blood sucking monster that can never go into the sun. The wife died as soon as her children were born. A boy and a girl. And soon after they were born they began to thirst for blood. The father was the only source available at the time. The twins drained him of all of his blood. Not a drop was wasted. The town had no clue of the couple's deaths you see the new family lived deep in the woods in a secluded area. After a day the parents came back to life. They too had a thirst for the crimson liquid. Soon they had killed the witch and drained her of her blood. Soon after they went looking for a witch to reverse this curse. They could not find one who could reverse the curse but found one who offered jewelry so that they could go out into the sun. The parents took it and thanked her. The witch also gave them something that could reduce their thirst for blood. The parents asked what they could do to repay the witch. She said that when the boy is old enough to marry her heir. The parents replied yes and what should the heirs name be. "Her name will be Minhee. Park Minhee. May I know your names so that I will know who to point her to?" The witch said. "My name is Kim SeokJin." The husband replied. "And my name is Hwasa." The wife replied. "And what will be your son and daughters names?" The witch inquired. "Kim Minseok and Kim Rain." The wife says. The witch shakes her hand and says "lovely names" I will send a message to her when she will be old enough. Also please treat her with respect. She will have gone through some very dark places. She will be part witch and part werewolf." The wife says" we will love her as if she was our own." After that the parents went back to their small cabin. To find it a mess. The boy was running around. The girl was on the ceiling. But what do you expect from vampire babies. And though that was thousands of years ago. The parents never forgot about their promise to the witch. Which brings us to today.

Hey guys! How is your Monday going? Mine has been pretty nice. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!

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