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It was a lovely spring night, the weather had a light warm breeze as the moon rays danced along a still pond, a round bush rustled as a rabbit jumped its way out, curious of a set of nuts in front of it.
Slowly starting to sniff at it they started to nibble at the nuts, until suddenly a sharp scythe went through its stomach, killing it.

Picking it up, it was a small female with a thin figure, black hair, and a large scythe blade dragging behind her "beautiful... creature..." she mumbled, before her head violently jerked to the side.
The voice boomed in her head, causing her to whimper and drag the large rabbit corpse home...

Entering a gaping cave with a dimly lit fire, the deformed girl skinned the rabbit with seemingly a single flick of her wrist, going to put it on a stick until the voice spoke again.
"Don't brother cooking it. I'm too hungry...."
The voice seemed to whine from the shadows, causing the female to walk towards the darkness, offering the half alive, skinned, rabbit to the creature in the shadows.
The corpse was swiftly taken from her hands and loud crunching was heard, once it fell quiet a massive, half woman, half snake, emerged from the shadows.
"My good little follower... fetch me more food.. feed me until I am ready."
The woman hissed as her massive tail rubbed agenst the stone, rubbing off old dead scales... she was shedding.

It was Draining her energy.

Old skin was shoved aside as The large snake creature was curled up close to the fire
"Oh so... so bored... followers why do you never entertain me?" she whined, fiddling with the cracked skull of someone's small dog, a previous prey of hers... she kept the skull for she was curious of the shape, running her hands over the groove "you all obey me, and when you don't I kill you.. I'm so bored could never possibly entertain me to the fullest! You lack such defiance and feistiness that it would not possibly be fun.."
the lady hesitated
"I must find myself some prey.. one to keep with me, forever."
She hissed ominously, getting up with a big stretch before approaching the cave entrance

"I'll be back my lovely followers...."

Yidhra and the lost one Where stories live. Discover now