Where It Began

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I remember it like it was yesterday.  The terror I felt as my foot left the carriage, helplessness setting in.  All I could do was hope that Tamaki would be able to reach me in time... and he didn't.  Because of Lady Eclair attempting to make Tamaki stay with her, he got to me a second too late. I heard him hit the water shortly before I did. It soon surrounded me, the weight of my dress making it harder to swim to the surface.  After struggling my way up, I could see Tamaki making his way towards me.  As I reach my hand out for his, I hear a familiar voice calling my name.

"HARUHI!" Kaoru called out.

"ARE YOU OK?!" Hiakru's voice followed after.

"YEAH! I'M PERFECTLY FINE!" Does it look like I am ok?  Not only am I drowning in a river, but also in a dress.

Crawling out of the river was the hardest part. This stupid dress made it more difficult then it had to be by clinging to me. While coughing and hacking my lungs out, I see a black limo appear out of the corner of my eye, a short blonde boy poking his head out of the sun roof.

"HARU-CHAN! TAMI-CHAN! YOU GUYS LOOK WET! ARE YOU OK!" Honey said, hanging onto Ousi-chan.  

"Mitsukuni. Careful. You could fall." Mori said in a monotone voice sitting in the back seat of the limo.

"You always find ways to get yourself into trouble, don't you?" Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses in the passenger seat.

"How did you know that we-"

"Get in the limo. There are towels in the back." Kyoya said, interrupting Tamaki.

Kaoru rushed to the limo's doors to open them for me as Tamaki helped me to my feet. Once up, Hikaru rushed me to the limo, pushing me to the seat next to Mori Senapi, so there I sat, sandwiched between Tamaki Senpai and Mori Senpai. There was no way Tamaki was going to let me sit next to someone who wasn't him after what just happened.  Honey Senpai handed us some towels but not before bombarding Tamaki and I with a thousand questions.

"Why are you so wet Haru-Chan? We need to get you into some dry clothes before you catch a cold! What happened to the pretty dress that you were wearing and your long hair extensions? Why is Tami-Chan so wet? Were you guys having a pool party? Why didn't you invite us? Do you not like us? Did we do something wrong?" He asked with big, sad eyes.

"Give them a chance to answer Mitsukuni." Mori replied.

I chuckled as I took the towel from Honey Senpai's hand. "Tamaki Senpai and I will explain everything to you when we get back to the club room, okay?" 

"Okay! You can tell me all about it while I eat a yummy piece of cake!" Honey said as he nuzzled into Ousi-Chan.

A warm feeling came over me as I was reassured that the Host Club would stay together and Tamaki wasn't going to leave us any time soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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