Part 27

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Parker's POV-

Yesterday night when we sat down for dinner I told everyone about how I got expelled. I told them that I got in a fight with someone talking shit on Adayah, and now they want to go meet with my principal.

The problem with that, I didn't really get expelled. But what was I supposed to tell them? Adayah's not going to school there anymore so I won't either? How pathetic does that sound?!

"Have fun in the car with those two when they're mad, it's not fun." Adayah tells me before I leave. I glare at her for how much she seems to be enjoying this.

"I'm not the one switching schools and moving out behind their backs." Well, not that any of them know of at least.

"Don't worry, tonight I'll tell you all what I'll be doing." She smirks.

I got in the back of the car and so did my mom and David. Neither of them said a word as we drove towards the school. It was the most awkward and tense ten minutes of my life.

At last we entered the office, my mom in full attack mode. The principal just sat there shocked as she yelled and slammed her hands on the desk, and maybe threw a pencil or two.

"Um, ma'am, Parker isn't expelled." The principal said awkwardly once there was room to talk.

"What!?" My mom snaps and then looks at me. "You mean to tell me you made me look like a idiot for no reason!?"

"Well um, yes." I mutter kind of scared.

"I am so sorry about this, we're leaving now." My mom tells the principal and grabs the sleeve of my shirt to drag me away.

"You know I can walk?" I ask losing my patience.

"Yeah! And I know you can run to. Your not getting away from me Parker!" She tells me angrily. David and I struggle keeping up with her pace until we are in the car. She child locks the doors so that I can't run away.

"Your grounded! I don't know how long but your grounded!" She hisses.

"How about you let me drive hon-"

"No! I'm fine." I can't help but feel bad for David right now. I sigh and slouch in my seat as my mom whips out of the parking spot, almost hitting the car next to us.

"Why would you do that to me? Do you know how stressed I've been since you told me your lie?! Why would you even make up such a thing?!" She rants.

"I'll tell you why at dinner okay? It'll make more since then." I mutter. These two are gonna have a heart attack. I'm sure Adayah will love every moment of this until it's her turn.

"Your so ridiculous sometimes, your not aloud to leave the house for at least a month! I guess we're having a early dinner then." At this point when she talks it's kind of random, so I block her out.

Soon we pull into the house and she drags me away inside. I glare at Adayah who is enjoying the show.

"Don't even touch this door!" She warns me as she locks it. Yes because I don't know how to unlock a fucking door. "I'm starting on dinner." She mutters, David follows behind her quickly.

"I take it that the meeting didn't go well." Adayah says casually.

"Well what do you think?" I mutter.

"Well are you gonna tell me how it went?" I scoff at her and shake my head.

"Why do you think I owe you any type of explanation?" I ask her.

"Because I asked you?"

"Well you can wait just like everyone else." I mutter. "Dinner is early by the way, have fun explaining that your moving out." I change the subject.

"Oh yeah it's going to be a blast explaining that." She tells me sarcastically. "My rooms already packed up by the way." I know that she's looking for a reaction and I know that I can't give it to her.

"So where are you going to stay?" I ask instead of snapping at her.

"You'll find out at linner." She answers smugly.


"Lunch dinner, use context dumb ass." She mutters. "I think your going to be super excited about it. He was going to pick me up around six but I guess I'll have him come around four thirty."

"He?" I narrow my eyes.

"He." She answers back.

"I'm going to go upstairs to talk in private, have fun listening to lectures." She smiles and heads to her room.

I sit down on the couch and try to think of any guy that she could live with. Since that prick broke up with her I doubt it's him. Who the hell could it be?

I smacked the coffee table and headed to the kitchen. My mom was viciously stirring a pot of noodles. Makes since she would go that route since it's quick.

"Dinner almost done?" I ask.

"Don't you dare try to rush me or you won't get any!" She hisses and stirs the noodles harder.

"Look, I shouldn't have lied, but I did and I can't fix that. It's not like I have a time machine so your just going to have to get over it."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child Parker I worked hard raising you and your siblings!" She snaps.

"You mean the ones that got kicked out of the house because you decided your life was more important?" I hiss.

"If that's how you want to see it! I'm not going to defend what I did because this isn't about me right now! You lied about being expelled! Who does that?"

"I didn't have the heart to tell you I wasn't going back there." I told her.

"So you lied about being kicked out?! What the hell do you mean your not going back?"

"I figured you'd just put me in a different school and that would be the end of it, how was I supposed to know you'd attack my principal?!" I snap.

"Why did something happen?!" She asks me. She's still mad but at least now she's sounds more worried than angry.

"I'll tell you about it at dinner, okay?"

"Fine. But I want to know every detail."

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