I make things happen

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I saw he was coming towards me.

"Hey Miss. Basu, having coffee alone?" he asked.

"Would you like to have some?" I asked

"Sure" he said

I lend him a cup, and started the conversation.

"Have you ever considered writing something other than the murder-myteries like romantic?"

I asked though it was a vague question as I knew that he is a famous thriller story writer, Dr. Suresh Mukherjee, but I wanted to say something.

"Off course I write, there is a romantic sequence in all my novels, haven't you read anything yet?" he said.

"Off course I have" I said, but I was lying, I never read any of his books.

Before I could say anything else, director called us for the shoot

We had a nice shoot.

After changing I came back to the studio and saw Suresh was sitting on the sofa alone.

"Hi, you were fantastic there" he said

"Thanks, even you were also good.
Are you waiting for someone?" I asked

"Yes, your boss, he asked me to wait. Would you mind to sit?"

"How is your wife now, I heard that she was not well" I asked

"Yes, she is unwell, on her bed rest"

"Hey, I can tell you a small portion of my next story."

He said: "In my next story, the killer wont get caught for a long period of time because of the lack of evidence as there won't be any murder weapon, the killer would use a customized knife made up of ice, after the murder, knife will melt down omitting the evidence" he said

"Oh, that'd be amazing, I will read it for sure" I said excitedly

Meanwhile, my boss arrived

"Hey Priya, you haven't been to home yet?" he asked

"Yes, I was just accompanying Mr. Mukherjee, but I think I should leave now," I said and left.

I came outside just to find it was raining heavily, had no option but to wait in the lobby.
I sat there on a chair and without realizing I fall asleep.

"Are you okay?"
Somebody shook to wake me up, I opened my eyes and saw Suresh
"Oh, I slept for a while"

"It's already 10 now, come I will drop you home" Suresh said

We went and sat on his car, and he started to drove.

Suddenly I saw a case in front of me on the car shelf.
"What's that?"

I took the case and opened it up and got startled. A customized knife.

"What is this?" I asked loudly

"I told you before, I take inspirations for my stories from real events, if you had read my books then you'd have known that in my last book the killer killed his wife and kept the corpse in his house so that nobody'd ever know that the wife has been already killed and my next story is about a journalist who got killed by someone, but nobody'd find out the killer due to lack of evidence"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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